September 6, 2019 at 9:00 AM - Fall Retreat
Agenda |
1. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
2. Citizens' Participation
3. Discussion
3.A. Board Team Building and Effective Governance
4. Executive Session
4.A. The board will meet in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act to deliberate the evaluation and/or duties of a public officer and/or Superintendent.
5. Report and Discussion
5.A. Discussion of the Design Development Phase for the Northbrook High School Classroom Additions and Renovations Project
5.B. Policy CAA (LOCAL) and the Code of Silence Relative to Procurement
5.C. Discussion of Possible Amendments to the Board/Superintendent Operating Procedures
5.D. Discussion of LEAD SBISD
6. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
7. Meeting Adjourned