April 23, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge: Vice President Josef Klam
2. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
3. Special Presentations
3.A. Recognition of #IAMSBISD Award Recipients
3.B. Sights and Sounds Around Spring Branch ISD
3.C. Recognition of Youth Art Month
4. Citizens Participation
5. First Reading of Policy
5.A. First Reading of LEGAL and LOCAL Policy: TASB Policy Update 110
6. Adoption of Policy
6.A. Adoption of LEGAL and LOCAL Policy: TASB Policy Update 109
7. Action
7.A. Discussion and Possible Action on Board Meeting Schedule for 2018-2019
8. Consent Agenda Action Items
8.A. Request for Approval of Budget Status Summary Report with Budget Amendment as of March 31, 2018
8.B. Request for Approval of Facility Improvement Program Monthly Status Report with Project Budget Changes as of March 31, 2018
8.C. Request for Approval of Contract Awards
8.D. Request for Approval of Contract for Financial Advisory Services
8.E. Request for Approval of Proposed 2019-2020 Academic Calendar Parameters
8.F. Request for Approval of Japanese Institute of Houston Lease Agreement
8.G. Request for Approval of UIL Exempt Course List
8.H. Request for Approval of Student Overnight Trip
8.I. Request for Approval of Letter of Support for TEA 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Application
8.J. Request for Approval of Acceptance of Gifts
8.K. Request for Approval of Payroll and Operating Expenses - March 2018
8.L. Request for Approval of Tax Overpayment Refunds (Sec. 31.11)
8.M. Request for Approval of Minutes for School Board Meetings
8.M.1. March 5, 2018 - Workshop Meeting
8.M.2. March 26, 2018 - Special Meeting
8.M.3. March 26, 2018 - Regular Meeting
9. Reports and Discussions
9.A. Discussion of the FY 2019 Budget
10. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
11. Meeting Adjourned