September 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
1. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
2. Executive Session
2.A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act in Consultation with Board Attorney Regarding All Matters as Authorized by Law
3. Second Reading of Policy
3.A. Second Reading of (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) Policies: TASB Policy Update 102
4. Action
4.A. Request for Authorization for Trudy Murota and Karen Heeth to Act as the Superintendent Primary Request Submitter Designees Approving Staff Requests for Access to One or More TEA Web Applications Accessed Through the Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEA SE) for the 2015-2016 School Year
5. Discussion
5.A. Discussion of Proposed 2015 Tax Rate and District Finances
5.B. Discussion of Proposed Amendments to the Board/Superintendent's Operating Procedure #12
5.C. Discussion of Innovation Districts
6. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
7. Meeting Adjourned