February 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
1. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
2. Second Reading
2.A. Second Reading of (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) Policies - TASB Policy Update 98
2.B. Second Reading - Consideration and Possible Action on Submitted Potential Amendments to Policy: DEC (LOCAL) COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, LEAVES AND ABSENCES
3. Action
3.A. Request for Approval of Fundraising Exhibit C for Memorial Middle School
3.B. Discussion and Possible Action on Potential Amendments to the 2013-14 Academic Calendar
3.C. Discussion and Possible Action on Potential Amendments to the Board/Superintendent's Operating Procedure # 36
4. Discussion
4.A. Annual Review of the Spring Branch T-2-4 and Service First Plans
4.B. Discussion of FY 2015 Budget
5. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
6. Meeting Adjourned