August 20, 2007 at 6:00 PM - Workshop
Agenda |
1. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
2. Action
2.A. Request for Approval of Agenda
3. Executive Session
3.A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act with the District's Attorneys to Obtain Legal Advice, Opinion and Recommendation Regarding Policy Issues
4. Action from Executive Session
4.A. Consideration and Possible Emergency Adoption of Policy: FNA (Local) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Expression
5. Action
5.A. Request for Approval of the Board's Resolution for the Establishment of the 2008-2009 Calendar Committee
6. Discussion
6.A. Discussion of Board/Superintendent Operating Procedures on Item #25
6.B. Discussion of the Recommendations from the Bond Advisory Committee
7. Closing Remarks by Superintendent
8. Meeting Adjourned