September 9, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Friday, September 6, 2019 at 5:00p.m.
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
3. Moment of Silence
4. Public Participation
As stated in Board policy BED (Legal) and (Local), the Board reserves up to 30 minutes for public comments. No speaker may exceed five minutes. Members of the public may address the board on any item on the agenda or any other district-related topic. If the topic relates to a specific complaint, individuals are advised to direct those complaints through the district grievance process for resolution. The board will only listen to comments or may provide factual information or refer to existing policy. The Board shall not deliberate or take action on public comments. If you wish to speak during this time, please sign up before the meeting begins using the form provided and indicate the topic about which you wish to speak.
5. Consent Agenda: All items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda.
5.A. Approval of Minutes
5.A.1. Special Meeting August 6, 2019
5.A.2. Regular Meeting August 12, 2019
5.A.3. Special Meeting August 16, 2019
5.A.4. Public Hearing August 26, 2019
5.A.5. Special Meeting August 26, 2019
5.B. Consideration and Take Possible Action on Requisitions Over $30,000
David Flores
5.B.1. MSB Consulting $30,000
5.B.2. Nextel Partners $34,600
5.B.3. Skyward $35,413
5.B.4. CenterPoint Energy $53,121
5.B.5. Computer Solutions $66,190.51
5.B.6. Smartcom Telephone LLC $101,400
5.B.7. Dell $131,626
5.B.8. Time Warner Cable $148,554
5.B.9. US Bank Equipment Finance $154,928.52
5.B.10. Longhorn Bus Sales $192,896
5.B.11. City of Alice Utilities $280,200
5.B.12. Jim Wells County Appraisal District $492,725
5.B.13. Government Leasing & Finance $787,798
5.B.14. Direct Energy $1,109,200
5.C. Donations to Alice ISD as of 08/31/2019
5.D. Consideration and Possible Action to Appointment of Jim Wells County Extension Agent(s) as Adjunct Faculty Members/Amendment to 19 TACS§ 129.21 (K) (1) 2018-2019 school year.
6. Action Items
6.A. Consideration and Possible Action of the Designation of TASA/TASB Delegate and Alternate for 2018 TASA/TASB Convention-Dallas, TX
Dr. Carl Scarbrough
6.B. Consideration and Possible Action to Grant the Superintendent Authority to Enter an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Alice for the Lease of Multi-Use Natatorium
6.C. Consideration and Possible Action on Bond 2019 Capital Projects Requisitions
6.C.1. Turner Ramirez Architects $289,121.63
6.C.2. Owners Building Resource, LLC-Project Management (OBR) $15,150.44
6.D. Consideration and Possible Action to Grant Superintendent Authority to Negotiate with Turner Ramirez Architects for non bond facility: multi-use facility.
6.E. Consideration and Possible Action on Alice High School and can-am Partnership
7. Informational Items
7.A. Athletic Update
7.B. Fine Arts Update
7.C. Linebarger Tax Collection Update
7.D. Alice ISD Business Report
David Flores
7.D.1. Budget Revenue and Expenses
7.D.2. Quarterly Investment Report
7.D.3. Monthly Check Register for the Month of August 2019
7.E. Alice ISD Maintenance & Operations Progress Report
Guillermo Ruiz
7.E.1. Facilities Report
7.E.2. Safety Report
7.F. Alice ISD-Academic Update
Anna Holmgreen
7.F.1. 2018-2019 Accountability
7.G. Discussion Regarding Legal Services Retainer Agreement
8. Closed or executive meeting or session called in accordance with the following provisions set forth in the Texas Government Code:
8.A. Section § 551.074 - Personnel
8.B. Section § 551.071 - Legal Matter/Advice
8.B.1. Consultation with Attorney on Legal Matters Regarding Legal Services Retainer Agreement
9. Board to reconvene in open meeting or session to consider and take action as necessary on items discussed in closed or executive session.
10. Adjourn