January 11, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Friday, January 8, 2016 at 5:00 P.M.
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
3. Moment of Silence
4. AISD Spotlight
4.A. Board of Trustees Recognition Month
5. Approval of Minutes
5.A. December 14, 2015 - Regular Meeting
6. Public to Speak
Participants may address the board on any item on the agenda or any other topic. If the topic deals with personnel it is imperative that personnel related comments be withheld for the executive session part of the agenda. The Board's function at this time is to listen to comments. Formal action cannot be taken. If anyone has any comments, please state your name, the group you represent, if any, and make your statement within a three to five minute time limit.
7. Action Items
7.A. Approval of Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2015
7.B. Approval/2015-2016 Budget Amendment #3
7.C. Approval/Payment Application #6 for Johnson Controls Inc. for Energy Savings Performance Contract.
8. Informational Items
8.A. Review of Election Procedures & Guidelines: Use of Alice ISD District Facilities
8.B. Early College H.S. Presentation
8.C. Official Voting Results of Election for the Jim Wells County Appraisal District Board of Directors for 2016-2017 Year Term
8.D. Quarterly Investment Report
8.E. Budgeted/Expended Comparison Summary Update
8.F. Board Project Updates
8.G. Closed or executive meeting or session called in accordance with the following provisions set forth in the Texas Government Code:
8.G.1. Section 551.074 - personnel to include Superintendent Evaluation/Contract.
8.G.2. Section 551.071 - litigation
9. Board to reconvene in open meeting or session to consider and take action as necessary on items discussed in closed or executive session.
10. Adjourn