February 28, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Announcement that this meeting of the Seguin Independent School District has been duly called and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
1.B. Pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. Moment of silence.
1.C. Superintendent Announcements
1.D. Board Member Reports
2. Recognition/Campus Presentations
2.A. Campus Highlight
2.B. Student/Staff/Board/Community Recognition
3. Audience with the Board
The Seguin ISD Board of Trustees designates a time for audience participation at the beginning of each meeting to hear persons who desire to make comments. In accordance with Board Policy BED(Local):
3.A. those wishing to speak shall sign up before the meeting begins stating the concern or noting the agenda item they wish to address; audience participation is limited to five minutes; the Board shall not deliberate any subject that is not on the posted agenda.
4. Reports/Information Items:
4.A. Introduction of Newly Appointed Administrators
4.B. Elementary Istation and Secondary Freckle Data Update
4.C. Secondary Monthly Report
4.D. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Update and Evaluation
4.E. Intersession Update
4.F. Seguin ISD Bond Construction Update
4.G. Seguin ISD Strategic Plan 2025 Monthly Update
5. Closed Session: Board will adjourn into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act
5.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section ยงยงยง 551.071, 551.074, 551.129 - Consultation with legal counsel including possible telephone consultation with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications, and answer any legal questions regarding posted agenda items.
5.A.1. Safety Audit Findings
5.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.074 - Discuss personnel matters, including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a employee(s).
5.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section § 551.072 - Discuss the sale, purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.
6. Reconvene to Open Meeting, the Board will take appropriate action on items, if necessary, as discussed in Closed Session
6.A. Possible action on professional personnel, including appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public employee(s).
7. Consent Agenda Items - Consider and Possible Approval as Applicable
Policy BE (Local) states that the consent agenda shall include items of a routine and/or recurring nature grouped together under one action item. All such items shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration. The remaining items shall be adopted under a single motion and vote as applicable. |
7.A. Approval of Board Minutes of Regular Meeting - January 24, 2023 and Team of 8 Training - February 7, 2023.
7.B. Approval of Tax Collection Reports for January 2023
7.C. Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments & Financial Statements for January 2023
7.D. Approval of Donations Received January 2023
7.E. Approval of Technology Department Fiber Internet Access Services
7.F. Approval of District-Wide Special Education Services (RFP #: 21-05)
7.G. Seguin ISD Resolution Regarding the Office of the Governor’s Truancy Prevention Grant
7.H. Information Regarding Purchases Through the Pace Purchasing Cooperative for a total cost of $61,465
7.I. Acknowledge Public Information Act Requests January 2023
8. Action Items
8.A. Possible Action Regarding Purchases Through the CTPA Purchasing Cooperative for a total cost of $75,000
8.B. Approval of Seguin ISD Child Nutrition Equipment (RFP #: 23-02)
8.C. Adopt a Resolution for the Assignment of Fund Balance
8.D. Adopt the Board Resolution Extending Depository Contract for Funds of Independent School Districts Under Texas Education Code, Chapter 45, Subchapter G, School District Depositories
8.E. Approval of Authorized Representatives for First Commercial Bank, N.A., Lone Star Investment Pool, TexPool, LOGIC, and Texas Class - MBIA
8.F. Adoption of Resolution Stating Review of Investment Policy and Designation of Investment Officers
8.G. Consider Appointing a Budget Committee for the Board of Trustees
8.H. Approval of School Calendar for 2023-2024 School Year
8.I. Approval of Retention Stipend for Existing Employees
8.J. Personnel Action Professional Employees
9. Board Comments and Request
10. Adjourn