March 17, 2016 at 8:00 PM - Weekly Update to the Board of Trustees
Agenda |
1. Message from the President of the Board and Superintendent
2. Board of Trustee Updates
2.A. April Calendar
2.B. PFS County Summary
2.C. Far West Texas School Boards Association and TASB Spring Workshop on April 21, 2016 at Cattlemens.
2.D. Board Meeting Calendar for 2016
2.E. Summer Leadership Institute 2016: San Antonio, Texas on June 16-18, 2016 or Fort Worth, Texas on June 30-July 2, 2016.
2.F. Armando Rodriguez Conflict of Disclosure
3. Superintendent
3.A. Attorney General Opinion
3.B. Keep Texas Beautiful Awards
3.C. Rate 41
3.D. Board Committees Article
3.E. Facilities Master Plan Community Dialogue #2 Results
4. Human Resources
4.A. Administrative Personnel Actions.
5. C & I Updates
5.A. C & I Notables
6. PIO Office
6.A. PIO Updates
6.B. Government Relations Coordinator Update
6.C. News & Media