November 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order Open Session in the Board Room at Little Elm ISD Administration Building on 400 Lobo Lane, Little Elm, Texas 75068.
2. The Board will recess into Closed Meeting in the Board Support Conference Room as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Code Subchapter 551.129, 551.072 & 551.074. The Board and Superintendent will discuss:
2.A. Personnel
2.B. Land
2.C. Conduct private consultation with attorney regarding pending or contemplated litigation concerning the Strike Middle School Project and potential claims against the Construction Manager at Risk, Cadence McShane Construction Company, LLC
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Invocation
5. Introduction and Roll Call
6. Superintendent Spotlight
6.A. LEaders of the Pack Staff Recognition
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
6.B. Students of the Month
Presenter: Donnie Bartlett |
6.C. President's Volunteer Service Award
Presenter: Keisha Brown |
7. Reports of the Superintendent
7.A. ESSER Update
Presenter: Shay Adams |
8. Citizen Input
Audience participation shall be permitted at regular Board meetings and shall be limited to the public comment portion designated for that purpose |
9. Approval of Minutes
9.A. Consider approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes - October 16, 2023
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
10. Action Items
10.A. Consider approval of New FTE for Special Education Instructional Assistant
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
10.B. Consider approval of Candidates to the Denton CAD Board of Directors
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
10.C. Consider approval of 10-Foot-Wide AT&T Easement
Presenter: Mickey James |
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. Consider approval of Revised 2023-2024 Supplemental Pay Amounts
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.B. Consider approval of Off-Campus Physical Education Site
Presenter: Dr. Penny Tramel |
11.C. Consider approval of 2024-2025 New Courses
Presenter: Dr. Penny Tramel |
11.D. Consider approval of Reclassification of Special Populations Instructional Assistant Position
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.E. Consider approval of Financial Reports - September 2023
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
11.F. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Interlocal Summary Report
Presenter: Shay Adams |
11.G. Consider approval of the Request for Proposal #2019-002 Food Catering Services
Presenter: Shay Adams |
11.H. Consider approval of High School Welding Exhaust Expansion Closeout
Presenter: Mickey James |
12. Board President Comments
Presenter: Jason Olson |
13. Board Comments
14. Superintendent Comments
15. Adjournment