April 17, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order Open Session in the Board Room at Little Elm ISD Administration Building on 400 Lobo Lane, Little Elm, Texas 75068.
2. The Board will recess into Closed Meeting in the Board Support Conference Room as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Code Subchapter 551.072 & 551.074. The Board and Superintendent will discuss:
2.A. Personnel
2.B. Land
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Invocation
5. Introduction and Roll Call
6. Superintendent Spotlight
6.A. Students of the Month
Presenter: Ross Roberts |
6.B. Fine Arts Recognitions
Presenter: Frank Felice |
6.C. Athletics Recognitions
Presenter: Mike Young |
7. Reports of the Superintendent
7.A. Districtwide Intruder Audit Findings
Presenter: Ross Roberts |
7.B. Construction Update
Presenter: Rick Martin |
8. Citizen Input
Audience participation shall be permitted at regular Board meetings and shall be limited to the public comment portion designated for that purpose |
9. Approval of Minutes
9.A. Consider Regular Board Meeting Minutes - March 27, 2023
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
9.B. Consider approval of Special Meeting Minutes - March 30, 2023
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
10. Action Items
10.A. Consider approval of 2023-2024 FTE Request for District Needs
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
10.B. Consider approval of Locker Room Conversions at LEHS
Presenter: Rick Martin |
10.C. Consider approval of Parking Lot Light Pole Replacement
Presenter: Rick Martin |
10.D. Consider approval of CMAR and JOC Recommendations for the 2022 Bond Program
Presenter: Rick Martin |
10.E. Consider approval of Weapons Detection Systems
Presenter: Rick Martin |
10.F. Consider approval of Security Film
Presenter: Rick Martin |
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. Consider approval of Reclassification of Child Nutrition Position for Zellars Early Childhood Center
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.B. Consider approval of Reclassification of Curriculum and Learning Position
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.C. Consider approval of 2023-2024 Instructional Materials Allotment Certification
Presenter: Dr. Penny Tramel |
11.D. Consider approval of Financial Reports - February 2023
Presenter: Jessy Wyse |
11.E. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Interlocal Summary Report
Presenter: Shay Adams |
11.F. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Expenditures over $100,000 Summary Report
Presenter: Shay Adams |
11.G. Consider approval of 2022 Bond Program Planned Allocation of Funds
Presenter: Rick Martin |
12. Board Report
12.A. Board Training Hours
Presenter: Jason Olson |
13. Board President Comments
Presenter: Jason Olson |
14. Board Comments
15. Superintendent Comments
16. Adjournment