May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order Open Session in the Board Room at Zellars Center for Learning and Leadership on 300 Lobo Lane, Little Elm, Texas 75068.
2. The Board will recess into Closed Meeting in PL1 as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Code Subchapter 551.074 and 551.072. The Board and Superintendent will discuss:
2.A. Personnel
2.B. Land
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Invocation
5. Administration of Oath of Office to Elected Trustees
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
6. Introduction and Roll Call
7. Superintendent Spotlight
7.A. Little Elm High School - Students of the Month
Presenter: Elizabeth Priddy |
7.B. State Level Recognition for Art, Wrestling, and Academic UIL Students
Presenter: Elizabeth Priddy |
7.C. President's Service Award
Presenter: Keisha Brown |
7.D. Superintendent's Employee Advisory Committee
Presenter: Ross Roberts |
7.E. Community Partnership Award
Presenter: Daniel Gallagher |
8. Reports of the Superintendent
8.A. Curriculum and Learning Update
Presenter: Dr. Cyndy A. Mika |
8.B. COVID-19 Protocols Update
Presenter: Dr. Cyndy A. Mika |
9. Citizen Input
Audience participation shall be permitted at regular Board meetings and shall be limited to the public comment portion designated for that purpose |
10. Approval of Minutes
10.A. Consider Regular Board Meeting Minutes - 4/19/2021
Presenter: Sonia S. Flores |
11. Action Items
11.A. Consider approval of Board Resolution Regarding Face Masks
Presenter: David Montemayor |
11.B. Consider approval of Hiring of Child Care Director
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.C. Consider approval of Hiring of Executive Director for Operation Services
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.D. Consider approval of 2021-2022 Support FTE'S Based on Campus and District Need
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
11.E. Consider approval of Financial Reports - March 2021
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12. Consent Agenda
12.A. Consider approval of Administrator Contract - Web Manager and Graphic Designer
Presenter: Asheley Brown |
12.B. Consider approval of Renewing ESC Region 11 Interlocal Agreement Resolution for Benefits Cooperative
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12.C. Consider approval of Gifts and Donations
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12.D. Consider approval of Little Elm ISD Expenditures over $50,000 Summary Report
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12.E. Consider approval for Engagement of Independent Auditors
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12.F. Consider approval of Education Service Center, Region 11 (ESC 11) Contract for 2021-2022
Presenter: Jesse Wyse |
12.G. Consider approval of CoServ Electric Easement
Presenter Rick Martin |
12.H. Consider approval of LMS Conversion & Renovations Project Demolition Package
Presenter: Rick Martin |
12.I. Consider approval of Prestwick Subsurface Corrective and Renovation Actions
Presenter: Rick Martin |
12.J. Consider approval of Bus Camera Upgrades
Presenter: Rick Martin |
12.K. Consider approval of Amendment No.4 to Goldstar Transit, Inc. Contract for the 2020-2021 School Year
Presenter: Rod Reeves |
12.L. Consider approval of Declaring Facility Furniture, Equipment & Materials Surplus and Authorizing for Disposal
Presenter: Rod Reeves |
13. Board President Comments
Presenter: David Montemayor |
14. Board Comments
15. Superintendent Comments
16. Adjournment