March 25, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order by the President
1.A. Members present/Members absent
1.B. Guests
2. Invocation/Pledges
3. District Spotlight
4. Approve Agenda for the March 25, 2015 Regular School Board Meeting.
5. Open Forum/Public Comments
6. Reports
6.A. Transportation/Maintenance
6.B. Principals
6.C. Athletic Director
6.D. Technology Director Report
6.E. Band Report
6.F. Cafeteria / Food Service
6.G. Nurse Report
6.H. Special and Federal Programs
6.I. Superintendent report
6.I.1. Enrollment & Attendance
6.J. Financial & Bills
6.J.1. Bills
6.J.2. Board Report
6.J.3. Monthly Investment Report
6.J.4. Amendments to the 2014-2015 Official Budget
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approve minutes from the February 25, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Board.
8. Approve purchase of buses as listed from Blue Star Sales: 2 Blue Bird Activity buses
9. Review and or amend local policy EL and FMH regarding participation in commencement exercises and Certificates of Coursework Completion.
10. Review and or adopt policy regarding school colors for CCCCSD Ozona Lions.
11. Executive/Closed Session - Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
12. Possible action from Executive/Closed Session
12.A. Self Evaluation (Tabled from January Board Meeting).
12.B. Superintendent Evaluation and Contract
13. New Business
14. Future Business
14.A. April 2015 - Regular Board Meeting 6:30 pm (suggested date April 22, 2015)
15. Adjournment