November 14, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order [Kenny Cruzan]
2. Public Comment [Kenny Cruzan]
Hear public comments in open forum. The public's comment must be regarding an item listed on the special meeting agenda.
3. Closed Session [Kenny Cruzan]
Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act the Board will consider the following section:
3.A. 551.071 Attorney Consultation
3.A.1. Attorney consultation regarding Superintendent contract.
3.B. 551.074 Personnel Matters
3.B.1. Superintendent Employment
Discussion of duties and responsibilities of the Superintendent and the hiring process.
4. Reconvene to Open Session [Kenny Cruzan]
Discussion and possible action on closed session items
4.A. 551.074 Personnel Matters
Take possible action regarding discussions related to Superintendent.
5. Adjourn [Kenny Cruzan]