April 19, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order [KennyCruzan]
2. Closed Session [Kenny Cruzan]
Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074: Personnel, 551.072: Real Estate, 551.076 Safety & Security.
2.A. 551.074 Personnel Matters
2.A.1. Contracts/Resignations
2.B. 551.072 Real Property Deliberations
2.C. 551.076 Safety and Security
3. Reconvene to Open Session [Kenny Cruzan]
Discussion and possible action on closed session items
4. Prayer [Michaela Alston]
5. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Pledge [NJROTC]
6. Recognitions
6.A. Special Olympic Honors [Andrew Glaus]
7. Hear Public Comment [Kenny Cruzan]
8. Board of Trustees' Report [Kenny Cruzan]
8.A. Trustee Continuing Education Annual Report [Kenny Cruzan}
8.B. Committee Reports
9. Instructional Focus: Presentations
9.A. Preview of Standards-Based Report Card Revision [Denise Poland]
9.B. Revision to EIE Local: First Read [Jessica Robbins]
10. Business Items Requiring Board Action [Kenny Cruzan]
10.A. Consider/Take possible action to approve Teacher Contract Renewals
10.B. Consider/Take possible action to approve Growth Positions for the 2023-2024 Staffing Needs
10.C. Consider/Take possible action to approve extension of bank depository with Prosperity Bank [Kathy Henderson]
10.D. Consider/Take possible action to approve the Bond Construction Bidding [Norm Spears]
10.E. Presentation regarding the updates to RFHS Pirate Stadium
10.E.1. Consider/Take possible action to approve the purchase and installation of turf field [Norm Spears/Paragon Sports Construction]
11. Superintendent's Report [Dr. Joshua Garcia]
Information/updates from Administrative Staff
11.A. Central Office Reports
11.A.1. Teaching & Learning Team Report [Jessica Robbins]
11.A.2. Business Office Report [Kathy Henderson]
11.A.3. Operations Report [Norm Spears]
11.A.3.a. Maintenance and Operations Projects [Norm Spears]
12. CONSENT AGENDA [Kenny Cruzan]
The Superintendent may consolidate items on the agenda summary for possible group action, or any Board member may suggest group action on items to expedite the Board meeting. A request by any trustee shall remove any item from the suggested and consolidated action list
12.A. Minutes
Consider approval of the minutes for the March 23, 2023 Regular Meeting.
12.B. 2022-23 Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification
Consider approval of the 2022-23 Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification required by TEA
13. Press Questions [Kenny Cruzan]
At this time the Board will accept questions from the press on items related to the agenda items which need clarification or further response. This item is provided as a courtesy to keep the citizens of Aransas County informed about ACISD
14. Adjourn [Kenny Cruzan]
Adjourn the meeting