January 9, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Steve Wright
IV.A. Report and Recognition of 2016-2017 TISD Wildcat Mentors
Mentors for 2016-2017 will be recognized for their commitment to work with students in fifth and sixth grade. Dr. Nichole Riley, Coordinator of Student Intervention Services, will provide a report on the mentor program.
IV.B. Consideration for Approval of a Resolution Concerning the A-F Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools
A copy of the resolution is included in the board packet.
IV.C. Future Items of Discussion
IV.C.1. Board Retreat - January 13, 2017
The retreat will be held from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at Temple Bible Church.
IV.C.2. First Day to File for the School Board Election, District 2 and District 7 - January 18, 2017
Robin Battershell
V.A. School Board Recognition Month
January 2017 is School Board Recognition Month—Temple ISD is proud to recognize our Board of Trustees for their crucial role as our elected officials and the commitment to our communities and schools. We appreciate their dedication and hard work. They are extraordinary people who voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing school districts. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives of our children.
V.B. Public Hearing for the 2015-2016 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
Lisa Diserens
Dr. Lisa Diserens, Director of Accountability, Assessment and PEIMS, will present the annual report. A copy of the power point presentation in included in the board packet.
V.C. Academics, Behavior, Attendance Goals Update
VI.A. Human Resources
Robin Battershell/Joe Palmer
VI.A.1. Consideration for Approval of Superintendent's Yearly Appraisal and Contract Renewal
Mr. Wright reviewed the appraisal with Dr. Battershell prior to the meeting. Any further discussion if required can occur in open or executive session. The Board will need to determine what it wishes to do on Dr. Battershell’s contract.
Recommendation: Approve the Superintendent’s Yearly Appraisal and Contract Renewal. |
VI.A.2. Consideration for Approval of 2016-2017 Personnel
Approval of Kathryn Allen as the Secondary Instructional Coach for Temple High School. The interview committee, consisting of Dr. Jason Mayo, Renota Rogers, Sue Marshall, Jennifer Davies, Laura Betik, and myself, interviewed 4 candidates on Friday, December 9th. The committee would like to recommend Kathryn Allen as the secondary instructional coach for Temple High School.
VI.B. Student Services
Scott Moger
VI.B.1. Public Hearing for Comments on Bilingual and Middle School Rezoning Boundaries
VI.B.2. Consideration for Approval of Bilingual and Middle School Rezoning Boundaries
Temple ISD has received community input on Bilingual and middle school boundary rezoning through a Board Retreat on 10/14/16 and two community meetings held on 11/29/16 and 12/8/16. The purposes for the Bilingual rezoning are the growing Bilingual numbers, the Bilingual program is moving from three campuses to two campuses, and to balance the Bilingual populations at Hector P. Garcia Elementary and Thornton Elementary campuses to not split families.
The purposes for middle school rezoning are to balance the student enrollments at the three middle schools due to a disparity in numbers. For example, Travis Science Academy, which is the large middle school in Temple ISD, has a larger student enrollment by almost two hundred students than Bonham Middle School and that trend is continuing. The administration, after a final review, recommends the proposed Bilingual and middle school boundaries be submitted to the TISD Board of Trustees as the attendance boundaries for the Bilingual program and middle school campuses beginning in the 2017-2018 school year in Temple ISD. Recommendation: Approve the Bilingual Program boundary map and Middle School boundary map. |
VI.C. Curriculum and Instruction
Bobby Ott
VI.C.1. District PBMAS Targeted Improvement Plan
Karen Morgan
Information for this item will be distributed on Monday evening at the board meeting.
VI.D. Finance and Facilities
Kent Boyd
VI.D.1. Consideration for Approval of the GMP (Guaranteeed Maximum Price) for Drainage at Temple High School
VI.E. Board Committee Reports
VI.E.1. Facilities Committee Update
Steve Wright
VI.E.1.a. Next Committee Meeting - January 26, 2017
VI.E.2. Policy Committee Update
Virginia Suarez
VI.E.2.a. Consider, Discuss, and Take Appropriate Action Regarding Temple ISD Board Policy FFA (LOCAL) - Student Welfare – Wellness and Health Services
The federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 amended the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 to expand the requirements for local school wellness policies. Under federal law, each district that participates in the National School Lunch Program and/or the School Breakfast Program must adopt a wellness policy. Districts must meet the requirements of the federal regulations by June 30, 2017. Texas state law distinguishes between the role of the School Board to oversee the management of the District through adoption of policies and the role of the Superintendent to manage the day-to-day operations of the District through development of administrative regulations that implement board-adopted policies. For this reason, TASB Policy Service has drawn a distinction between the required wellness policy, which is coded at FFA (LOCAL) in the policy manual, and the recommended wellness plan, which may include administrative regulations as well as forms and other exhibits to implement the wellness policy.
At the November 17, 2016 School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC), policy FFA (LOCAL) was approved to be reviewed by the Temple ISD Policy Committee. At the November Policy Committee meeting, the Policy Committee reviewed the policy development template TASB sent to all districts in Texas and the choices Temple ISD had made and was approved by the SHAC. Once policy FFA (LOCAL) is approved by the Board of Trustees, the next step in the process will be to update and review FFA (REGULATION), referred to as the “Wellness Plan”. The Wellness Plan will be reviewed and updated through the TISD SHAC in the upcoming months and is the conduit in how Temple ISD will implement policy FFA (LOCAL). Recommendation: Approve 2016-2017 Temple ISD Board Policy FFA (LOCAL) - Student Welfare – Wellness and Health Services.
VI.E.2.b. Next Committee Meeting - January 25, 2017
Consideration for Approval of the following group of items:
Recommendation: Approve Consent Agenda Items VII.A 1-4 and B.
VII.A. Minutes:
Robin Battershell
VII.A.1. Special Board Meeting, December 8, 2016 - 6:00 p.m.
VII.A.2. Regular Meeting, December 12, 2016 - 6:00 p.m.
VII.B. Approval to attend the Regional Marching Auxiliaries Dance and Drill Competition in Boerne, TX, February 17, 2017 – February 19, 2017
Catrina Lotspeich
The THS Kittens will be attending this Regional Dance Competition February 17, 2017 – February 19, 2017 in Boerne, TX. The Kittens will be competing against several Dance and Drill teams from across the state for awards in choreography, dance technique, and creativity. This is a great opportunity for our Kittens to compete against teams that are outside of our immediate area and show off their hard work, dedication, and passion to other schools in the state of Texas. The group will depart from Temple on February 17, 2017 and return to Temple on February 19, 2017. They will be traveling by charter bus to Boerne, TX. All meals will be provided by the THS Kittens Booster Club. Dance Budget - $8500.00 - includes 1) Charter Bus Estimate - $4000.00 2) Hotel - $3000.00 3) Competition Registration Fee - $1500.00. Kitten Booster Club - $2000.00 - includes 1) Food - $2000.00. (These costs cover contest registration for 30 students, 1 teacher, and 3 adult chaperons, plus hotel, meals, and transportation.)