June 8, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum.
Shelli Conway
2. Invocation.
3. Hearing of Delegations. Any individual or group that is present and who has signed in may address the Board. Formal action may not be taken on any item(s) so addressed unless it is already an agenda item. Delegations will be allowed to address the Board for a reasonable period of time not to exceed five (5) minutes in relation to the designated topic. Please respect the privacy of others and refrain from identifying students or Anna ISD employees by name. The Board requests that comments on any subject, whether positive or negative, be courteous and respectful (Policy BED)
General Public
4. "Consent Agenda" - All items on Consent Agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these item(s) unless a member of the governing body or a citizen so requests, in which event, these item(s) will be removed from the general course of business and considered in normal sequence (Local BE).
Shelli Conway
4.A. Approve minutes of previous meeting(s).
4.B. Approve Resignations.
4.C. Approve Audit Engagement Letter.
4.D. Approve Gifted and Talendted Handbook.
4.E. Approve continued participation in the Region X Shared Services arrangement for Title Programs for the 2016-2017 school year.
Sue Akins
4.F. Budget amendments.
5. Update on current district construction projects.
Claycomb & Associates
6. Update on Special Education Department.
Wendy Stanley
7. Review Board Operating Procedures.
Pete Slaughter
8. Update on the Gifted and Talented Program.
Paula McMillion
9. Discuss and take appropriate action on resale of struck of property Lot 1 Block 5 Sunset Dr Westminister, Texas.
Pete Slaughter
10. Discuss and approve a Resolution with the City of Anna deeding Interurban street to the City of Anna property ID 1022565.
Pete Slaugher
11. Discuss the formulation of the new mission and vision statements for Anna ISD (Legal AE)
Pete Slaughter
12. Discuss and take appropriate action on approving vendors for Harlow Elementary furniture and authorize expenditures up to $750,000 (Local CH).
Brad Duncan
13. Discuss and take appropriate action on approving vendors for Anna Middle School furniture and authorize expenditures up to $100,000 (Local CH).
Brad Duncan
14. Closed Session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Texas Government Code Section 551.072, Texas Government Code Section 551.076, Texas Government Code Section 418.183 and Texas Government Code Section 551.071 .
Shelli Conway
14.A. Personnel Matters - Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
14.B. Real Property - Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property.
15. Action pursuant to Executive Session items.
Shelli Conway
16. Adjourn.
Shelli Conway