February 16, 2023 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum
Board President Shelli Conway
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. The Public Hearing - Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) and TEA Campus School Report Card
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Gayle Smith
5. Recognitions
5.A. Recognition by Anna City Council
Mayor Nate Pike
5.B. All-State Band Members
5.C. Beta Club National Qualifiers
6. Public Comment
7. Closed Session in accordance with the Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Sections (Policy BE)
Board President Shelli Conway
7.A. 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property
7.B. 551.074 Personnel Matters
7.B.1. Discussion of appraisals and contracts for Anna ISD Administrators on 11 and 12-month contracts DFBB (Legal)
7.C. 551.082 Deliberation Regarding School Children, School District Employee; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint
8. Action pursuant to Executive Session Items
Board President Shelli Conway
9. Consent Agenda (Policy BE)
Board President Shelli Conway
9.A. Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)
9.B. Approve monthly revenues and expenses
9.C. Approve quarterly investment report
9.D. Approve 120 affecting (LOCAL) policies (see attached list of codes)
9.E. Approve MSB Contract Renewal
9.F. Approve the Resolution to Authorize Collin Central Appraisal District to act as the agent for the school district on a protest of the 2022 State School District Property Value Study (SDPVS) findings
10. Construction Update
WRA-Weston Emmert
11. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Update (Policy EHBF)
Director of Career and Technical Education and STEAM Theodore Mackey
12. Review Board of Trustee Goals (Policy AE)
Board President Shelli Conway
13. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Michael Comeaux
14. Adjourn
Board President Shelli Conway