December 17, 2020 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and establish a quorum
Board President-Shelli Conway
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Public Hearing-Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction-Dr. Gayle Smith
5. Public Comment
6. Recognitions
6.A. Board of Trustee Service Recognition
Board President-Shelli Conway
6.B. State Cross Country Qualifers
6.C. FFA LDE State Qualifers
6.D. Team Tennis District Champions
7. Closed Session in accordance with the Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Sections (Policy BE)
Board President-Shelli Conway
7.A. 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property
7.B. 551.074 Personnel Matters
7.C. 551.082 Deliberation Regarding School Children, School District Employee; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint
8. Action pursuant to Executive Session Items
Board President-Shelli Conway
9. Consent Agenda (Policy BE)
Board President-Shelli Conway
9.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
9.B. Monthly Revenues and Expenses
9.C. Budget Amendment
10. Consider and possible action to approve the Financial Audit for the 2019-2020 school year (Policy CDA)
Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn & Seay-Dan Tonn
11. Presentation of the Fall 2020 Demographic Report (Policy AC)
Templeton Demographics-Michelle Box
12. Facilities Committee Board Recommendations 2020 presentation (Policy CV)
Assistant Superintendent of Operations-Dr. Bradley Duncan
13. Consider and possible action to name the architect for a multipurpose facility (Policy CVD)
Assistant Superintendent of Operations-Dr. Bradley Duncan
14. Consider and possible action to name the Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMAR) for a multipurpose facility (Policy CVD)
Assistant Superintendent of Operations-Dr. Bradley Duncan
15. Consider and possible action to approve the installation of a gas line for Rosamond Sherley Elementary as presented (Policy CVE)
Assistant Superintendent of Operations-Dr. Bradley Duncan
16. Consider and adopt a resolution expressing official intent to reimburse up to $10,000,00.00 in costs of projects (Policy CCA)
Deputy Superintendent-Dr. Thomas O'Neal
17. Consider and possible action to approve the waiver for asynchronous instruction minutes (Policy EB)
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction-Dr. Gayle Smith
18. Consider and possible action to approve the resolution regarding the extension of leave for employees quarantined (Policy DEC)
Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services-Jay Underwood
19. Consider and possible action to approve adopting the Yearly Investment Report (Policy CDA)
Deputy Superintendent-Dr. Thomas O'Neal
20. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Michael Comeaux
21. Adjourn
Board President-Shelli Conway