February 17, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Roll Call
II. Opening Ceremony
III. Public Forum / Comments to the Board
III.A. Concerning items not on the Agenda
III.B. Concerning items on the Agenda
IV. Public Hearing
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Approve minutes of previous meetings
V.B. Director of Finance - Report
V.B.1. Cash Flow & Investment Reports
V.B.2. Check Register
V.B.3. Fund financial statements
V.B.4. Consider acceptance of donations
VI. Administrator Reports
VI.A. Principal Reports
VI.A.1. Student Attendance, Passing Rates, and Upcoming Events
VII. New Business
VII.A. Consider Interlocal Cooperation Contract with the Texas Rural Education Association Risk Management Cooperative (TREA-RMC)
VII.B. Consider TASB Policy Update 114 affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies: (Second Reading)
VII.B.1. BE(LOCAL): Board Meetings
VII.B.2. BED(LOCAL): Board Meetings - Public Participation
VII.B.3. CCGB(LOCAL): Ad Valorem Taxes - Economic Development
VII.B.4. CDA(LOCAL): Other Revenues - Investments
VII.B.5. CH(LOCAL): Purchasing and Acquisition
VII.B.6. CKC(LOCAL): Safety Program / Risk Management - Emergency Plans
VII.B.7. CQ(LOCAL): Technology Resources
VII.B.8. CQB(LOCAL): Technology Resources - Cybersecurity
VII.B.9. DFFA(LOCAL): Reduction in Force - Financial Exigency
VII.B.10. EHBB(LOCAL): Special Programs - Gifted and Talented Students
VII.B.11. FDE(LOCAL): Admissions - School Safety Transfers
VII.B.12. FFAA(LOCAL): Wellness and Health Services - Physical Examinations
VII.B.13. FFB(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Crisis Intervention
VII.B.14. FFBA(LOCAL): Crisis Intervention - Trauma-Informed Care
VII.B.15. FL(LOCAL): Student Records
VII.B.16. GBAA(LOCAL): Information Access - Requests for Information
VII.B.17. GKA(LOCAL): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
VII.C. Consider Budget Amendments
VII.D. Superintendent's Report
VII.D.1. District Construction/Maintenance Issues
VII.D.2. Chapter 313 Issues
VII.D.3. Superintendent and Board Training
VII.E. Student Issues
VII.F. Personnel
VIII. Adjourn