November 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Establish quorum.
3. Invocation.
4. Open forum.
5. Consent Action Agenda.
5.A. Approval of minutes.
5.A.1. Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 19, 2015.
5.B. Financial Items.
6. Discuss and consider amending Committed Fund Balance as follows:
$1,500,000 Retirement of Loans/Notes Payable and $1,204,816.00 estimated 2 months operating for fund balance total of 2,204,816.00. |
7. Presentations.
7.A. Blue Ridge Elementary School
7.B. Blue Ridge Middle School
7.C. Blue Ridge High School
7.D. Teacher of the Month
8. Information Items.
8.A. Discuss and consider the process to secure a board approved architectural firm.
9. Discuss and consider action regarding ballot voting for the Fannin Central Appraisal District.
10. Discuss and consider action regarding ballot voting for the Collin Central Appraisal District.
11. Discuss and consider action to approve Cathy Agan and Amanda Ray as TEASE/TEAL secondary request submitters.
12. Discuss and consider action authorizing bank signature changes.
13. Discuss and take possible action on BRISD student trip to Italy with EF (Education First) Tours.
14. Discuss and consider action on TASB Board Policy update-103
15. White Activity Bus
16. Superintendent's Comments.
16.A. Attendance.
17. Closed Session.
17.A. Personnel.
17.A.1. Employment and Resignations
18. Adjournment.