August 16, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Establish quorum.
3. Invocation.
4. Open forum.
5. Consent Action Agenda.
5.A. Approval of Minutes July 19, 2010.
5.B. Business Office Report.
5.B.1. Disbursements for the month of August.
5.B.2. Financial Report.
6. Present the TEA Campus Ratings to the Board.
7. Discuss and consider adoption of the 2010 Budget.
8. Discuss the proposed 2010 tax rate.
9. Consider approval Ken Maun Assessor Collector collection rate of 100%.
10. Consider and approve Internet Safety Policy for Blue Ridge ISD.
11. Consider and approve Student Code of Conduct.
12. Superintendent's Comments.
12.A. Instructional Facilities Allotment.
12.B. Inservice Dates - August 16 - 19, 2010.
12.C. Board-Sponsored Employee Luncheon Thursday, August 19, 2010.
12.D. Meet the Teacher Night Thursday, August 19, 2010, from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm.
12.E. Community Worship Service Sunday, August 22, 2010, in the Elem/MS Cafetorium at 7:00 p.m.
13. Closed Session Section 551.0774.
13.A. Personnel.
14. Adjournment.