October 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Invocation.
3. Establish quorum.
4. Open Forum.
5. Information Items.
5.A. Blue Ridge JH Basketball Schedule.
5.B. High School - Tiger Times
5.C. Report will be given by the FFA.
6. Campus Spotlight - 8th Grade Gifted & Talented Video Presentation.
7. Administration Reports.
7.A. Superintendent Jim Shurtleff
7.A.1. Information on implementing parents being able to view their childrens grades, attendance, and tardies on our website using K12 Planet.
7.A.2. Information on the implementation of AESOP. (An automated substitute calling system.)
7.A.3. Information on school safety including lockdown drills and procedures on keeping Blue Ridge schools safe.
7.A.4. Information on implementation of BoardBook through the Texas Association of School Boards.
7.B. Other Administration Reports.
8. Conduct Public Hearing on the 2004 - 2005 District Status Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas for the distribution of the financial management report that explains the district's performance under each of the 21 indicators and the district's rating of Superior Achievement.
9. Consent Action Agenda
9.A. Approval of minutes - regular meeting 9-18-2006.
9.B. Business Office Report - Disbursements for the month of October.
9.C. Business Office Report - Investment Report.
9.D. Approval of Donations.
9.D.1. Library Donations
9.D.1.a. Bill & Glenda Robinson - Hardback novels - $3350.00 donated value.
9.D.1.b. Mrs. Linda Smith: Novels & reference books $435.00 donated value.
9.D.1.c. Mrs. Patti Levi - Paperback Novels $27.00 donated value.
9.D.1.d. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deckard - Books - $25.00 donated value.
9.D.1.e. Mrs. Brenda McCarley in Memory of her father Lennie Johnson donated $100.00.
9.D.1.f. Mrs. Diane Williams in Memory of Lennie Johnson - donations of $20.00.
9.D.2. Athletic Donations.
9.D.2.a. Golf Equipment - Drivers donated by Mr. William Smith - $525.00 donated value.
9.E. Approval of yearly continuance of existing resolution regarding extracurricular status of the 4-H organization and adjunct faculty agreement.
10. Discuss and consider approval of the 2006 Tax Appraisal Roll Summary as provided by Kenneth L. Maun, Tax Assessor Collector.
11. Discuss and consider Blue Ridge ISD Volunteer Policies and Procedures.
11.A. Discuss and consider volunteer criminal history background check.
11.B. Discuss and consider revising GKG (LOCAL) policy on Community Relations/School Volunteer Program.
12. Discuss and consider revised facilities and grounds usage policies and fees.
13. Discuss and possible action on any and all matters incidental and construction related items regarding buildings, building program and or other improvements.
14. Adjournment.