October 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Announcement by the Board whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
2. Action
2.A. Consider Resignation of Board Member for Place 7
2.B. Consider Appointment of Board Member to Place 7
2.C. Statement of Elected/Appointed Officer
3. Closed Session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections (Policy BE)
551.074 Personnel Matters 551.082 Deliberation Regarding School Children, School District Employee; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint 551.083 Board Operating Procedures |
4. Reconvene from executive session for action relative to items covered during executive session.
5. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
6. Special Presentations
6.A. Recognition of District 2 FFA Officers
6.B. National Principals Month Recognition
7. Reports
7.A. Education Foundation
7.B. Blue Ridge ISD Dyslexia Report
7.C. 1st 6 Weeks Formative Assessment Report
8. Public Participation as allowed by BED (LOCAL)
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Minutes
9.B. Financials
9.C. Review and consider amending Committed Fund Balance as follows: $872,642.00 Retirement of Loans/Notes Payable, $4,200,000 Future Construction, Repairs, and Renovation, and $2,361,300 estimated 75 days operating cost.
9.D. Discuss and consider approval of Kenneth Maun, Tax Assessor Collector, 2021 collection rate will be 100%.
9.E. Take possible action regarding 2021 Tax Roll Resolution as presented by Kenneth L. Maun, Tax Assessor Collector for Collin County.
10. Action Items
10.A. Review and consider renovation of girls' athletic facility.
10.B. Review and consider adoption of a resolution to extend COVID leave by 8 days.
11. Discussion
11.A. Discuss presentation about maintenance plan.
11.B. Discuss increasing accumulation of local days.
12. Superintendent Comments
13. Adjournment