September 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Announcement by the Board whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
2. Closed Session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections (Policy BE) - 6:00 p.m
551.074 Personnel Matters 551.082 Deliberation Regarding School Children, School District Employee; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint 551.083 Board Operating Procedures |
3. Reconvene from executive session for action relative to items covered during executive session. - 7:00 p.m.
4. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
5. Special Presentations
5.A. Ag Program Presentation
6. Reports
6.A. Construction Update
6.B. Maintenance Report
7. Public Participation as allowed by BED (LOCAL)
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Minutes
8.B. Financials
8.C. Budget Amendments
8.D. Limited English Proficiency Report
8.E. Review and consider approval of the textbook committee.
8.F. Alternate Kindergarten Reading Instrument Waiver
8.G. Consider and act on reimbursement of Superintendent's moving expenses.
8.H. Discuss and consider approval of Kenneth Maun, Tax Assessor Collector, 2020 collection rate will be 100%.
9. Action Items
9.A. Review and consider board training calendar.
9.B. Review and consider approval of capital outlay expenditures.
9.C. Discuss and consider one delegate and one alternate to serve as BRISD representative during the TASB Assembly.
10. Superintendent Comments
11. Adjournment