October 23, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order for October 23, 2006.
1.A. Roll Call
2. Time for Citizens. In the event that a quorum of the Board is not present to open the meeting, the Monday session shall thereby be cancelled and Time for Citizens shall be moved to Tuesday, October 24, 2006, immediately following Section IV on the Agenda.
3. Motion to go into Closed Session.
If the Board votes to go into closed session, then such closed session shall be held pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the expected specific sections of which are listed hereinbelow; however, the Board may also go into closed session on the basis of any other reason authorized by law, whether or not specified in this Section of the Agenda. The following subjects are expected to be discussed and deliberated in closed session.
3.A. [Section 551.071, Government Code - Consultation with Attorney:] For a private consultation with the Board’s attorney with respect to pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers, and/or on matters where the attorney’s duty to the Board, under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, clearly conflicts with the open government provisions of Chapter 551 of the Government Code, to wit:
3.A.1. Proposed change in Policy GKD (Local) for first reading;
3.A.2. Proposed changes to proposed lease agreement with Parent-Child Inc;
3.A.3. Proposed facility use agreement with USAA for lease parking lot at Winston Elementary School.
3.B. [Section 551.074 Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters:] To deliberate the, appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, to wit:
3.B.1. Richard Otley
4. Call Meeting to Order for September 24, 2006, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Edgewood Academy, Recital Hall, 607 S.W. 34th Street, San Antonio, Texas.
4.A. Roll Call
4.B. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
4.C. Academic Spotlight for Hosting Campus: Winston Elementary
5. Presentation(s):
5.A. Presentation of the Edgewood ISD Annual Financial Management Report and its State Financial Accountability Rating.
5.B. Health Care Services through a proposed collaboration agreement with the Rape Crisis Center.
6. Public Hearing(s):
6.A. Public Hearing and discussion on the Edgewood ISD Annual Financial Management Report and its State Financial Accountability Rating in accordance with Section 44.004, Texas Education Code. Public participation in the discussion is invited. The Board will provide time for citizens to present their views, opinions, suggestions, etc., regarding the Edgewood I.S.D. Annual Financial Management Report.
6.B. Public Hearing and discussion on proposed health care services to be provided through the Rape Crisis Center through a collaboration agreement with the District [agenda item XI (I)], in accordance with Section 38.012, Texas Education Code. Public participation in the discussion is invited. The Board will provide time for citizens to present their views, opinions, and suggestions regarding the services and proposed collaboration agreement.
7. Discussion/Action on matters taken up in Closed Session and/or matters listed on Section III not considered or discussed in Closed Session that require action, decision, determination or vote; and matters listed under Section III and taken into Closed Session under Section III or Section IV.
8. Bond Construction Projects Update - Project Management
8.A. Bond Projects Financial Update and Change Order Log
9. Administrative/Product Reports
9.A. Budget/Finance/Campus and Pupil Services
9.A.1. Tax Report (September 2006)
10. Consent Agenda Items
10.A. Minutes: Regular...September 25-26, 2006; Special...October 16, 2006.
10.B. Approval of the Budget Amendments for October 2006.
10.C. Approval of the Law Firm of Escamilla & Poneck, Inc. for Professional Services Rendered.
10.D. Approval to proclaim November 12-18, 2006, as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2006 using the theme "Bringing America Home."
10.E. Approval to proclaim November 12-18, 2006 as Edgewood ISD Parental Involvement Week and National Parental Involvement Day on November 16, 2006 in the Edgewood Independent School District.
10.F. Approval to proclaim November 11, 2006 as Veterans Day and November 5-11, 2006 as National Veterans Awareness Week to emphasize the need to develop educational programs regarding the contributions of veterans to the country in the Edgewood Independent School District.
10.G. Approval to proclaim November 12-18, 2006 as American Education Week in the Edgewood Independent School District.
10.H. Policy CI (Local) amendments - 2nd reading and adoption.
11. Individual Items for Consideration and Approval
11.A. Approval of the Employee Health Insurance and Voluntary Insurance products to be effective January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007.
11.B. Accept the Texas High School Completion and Success, Cycle 3 Grant from TEA to benefit Memorial High School.
11.C. Accept TEA Grant "Intensive Reading" initiative to benefit Loma Park Elementary.
11.D. Approval of promotions, transfers, new hires, resignations, retirements and re-assignments for professional contract personnel where Board Action required. [Note: Board action on this item, if any, is limited to those personnel items that require Board action; otherwise, the item is for information only, whether or not the Board approves a motion to approve this item; and, in any event, the Board does not approve transfers, resignations previously approved by the
Superintendent, retirements and reassignments.]
11.E. Accept TEA Continuation funds for the Pre-Kindergarten program Cycle 12 for 2006-2007 school year.
11.F. Accept notice of grant award from TEA titled "Comprehensive School Reform - Year 3" to benefit Memorial High School for 2006-2007.
11.G. Accept TEA Grant "Intensive Reading" initiative to benefit L.B. Johnson Elementary.
11.H. Approval to enter into agreement with Weslaco Independent School District and Edgewood ISD to provide services for billing Medicaid thru the Medicaid Administrative Case Management (MACM) for the 2006-2007 school year.
11.I. Proposed collaboration agreement with the Rape Crisis Center for Children & Adults.
11.J. Approval of a partnership with Camerata San Antonio to hold three community concerts at the Edgewood Academy with rental fees waived and to have musicians mentor orchestra students at the Academy, teach master classes, and perform for students.
11.K. Approval of Textbook Committee for Mathematics adoption (Grade 6-12).
11.L. Approval to submit the Standard Application System (SAS-A 101-07) amendment #00 to fund Special Education Programs to Texas Education Agency.
11.M. Approval to amend the consultant requisition between Edgewood ISD and Gentiva Health Services (USA), Inc. in the amount of $35,100 to provide nursing care for a dependent student during school hours.
11.N. Approval to enter into a contract with Brooks Aerospace Foundation, Inc. to have Edgewood ISD sixth grade students participate in the Challenger Learning Center of San Antonio's Space Mission simulation program for a total of $1,800 funded by Title I.
11.O. Approval to accept the Accelerated Reading Instruction (ARI) and Accelerated Mathematics Instruction (AMI) Program Grant Funds from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in the amount of $530,956.
11.P. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding, between Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas and Edgewood Independent School District.
11.Q. Proposed changes to lease agreement previously approved by Board with Parent-Child, Incorporated, modifying square footage and rental amounts.
12. Information
12.A. Human Resources Report
12.B. Consultant Monthly Report
12.C. Overtime Report
12.D. Financial Statements
12.E. Active Investment Report
12.F. Vandalism Report
13. New Business
14. Announcement(s)
15. Adjournment