August 14, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Special
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
1.A. Roll Call
2. Motion to go into Closed Session:
2.A. [Section 551.071, Government Code - Consultation With Attorney:] For a private consultation with the Board’s attorney with respect to pending or contemplated litigation or settlement offers, and/or on matters where the attorney's duty to the Board, under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the open government provisions of Chapter 551 of the Government Code, to wit:
2.A.1. Terms and conditions of proposed lease of space at Lincoln Elementary School with ACCD for proposed ACCD Westside Workforce Education and Training Center.
2.A.2. Legal issues surrounding proposed appointment of a consultant regarding employee health insurance program.
2.B. [Sections 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters:]
To deliberate the, appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, to wit:
2.B.1. Subject to assignment and/or reassignment by Superintendent, the following recommendations on changes in contract status or employment:
2.B.1.a. Irma Paine - on non-certified term contract ("NCT"): AM-2 to up to AM 4;
2.B.1.b. Oscar Sabedra - from continuing contract, Pay Grade 7, to NCT up to AM-2;
2.B.1.c. Sarah Santos - from continuing contract, Pay Grade 8, to NCT up to AM-4;
2.B.1.d. Harrison Thrist - [New Hire] on probationary term contract up to AP-4;
2.B.1.e. Rose Mary Barrera - [New Hire] on probationary term contract up to AP-4.
3. Discussion/Action Items:
3.A. Action, decision, determination or vote on matters listed as closed session items.
3.B. Approval of resolution to transfer $96,157 from Capital Projects Fund 616 to General Fund.
3.C. Approval of the Budget Amendments for August 2006.
3.D. Approval to purchase 12 IMAC Computers and software from Apple in the approximate amount of $29,088 for Edgewood Academy, funded by the Carl Perkins Grant.
3.E. Approval to purchase a 3-D printer and software from Teaching System, Inc. for Edgewood Academy for approximately $26,225, funded by the Carl Perkins Grant.
3.F. Approval of a Licensing Agreement with OdysseyWare Inc. to purchase OdysseyWare online site licenses, to provide Kennedy High School, Memorial High School, and Alternative Education Program students a credit recovery program for a total of $47,500, funded locally.
3.G. Approval to enter into an agreement with Alamo Community College District to facilitate in the provision of instruction of courses on the Palo Alto College campus for dual high school and college credit for instruction through the Gateway to College Program and to accept the Gateway to College Calendar for the 2006-2007 school year.
3.H. Approval of a consultant contract with Education Service, Region 2 to provide No English Language Learner Left Behind (NELLLB) Training for 35 Edgewood ISD teachers approximately $11,534, funded by State Compensatory Education.
3.I. Approval of amendment I to the contract with Marmon Mok, L.L.P. for architectural/engineering services for the scope of work defined for the 2004 Bond Projects to design and provide construction administration of a new Cenizo Park Elementary School.
3.J. Approval of change order four to the construction contract with Satterfield & Pontikes to perform the scope of work for the Memorial High School additions and alternations for the Edgewood Independent School District.
3.K. Approval to enter a renewal agreement with the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio - Dental School from September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007.
3.L. Approval of a Parent/Child Incorporated (PCI) and Edgewood ISD Collaboration at the Jose Cardenas Child Development Center.
3.M. Approval to set date for the Public Meeting to discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate for the 2006-2007 school year.
3.N. Approval of Proposed Tax Rate for 2006-2007.
3.O. Approval of promotions, transfers, new hires, resignations, retirements and re-assignments for professional contract personnel where Board Action requires. [Note: Board action on this item, if any, is limited to those personnel items that require Board action; otherwise, the item is for information only, whether or not the Board approves a motion to approve this item; and, in any event, the Board does not approve transfers, resignations previously approved by the Superintendent, retirements and reassignments.]
3.P. Approval of the Lease Agreement between Alamo Community College District and Edgewood Independent School District.
3.Q. Proposed approval for appointment of a consultant to assist administration in the preparation of specification for bids and analyzing same, for the purpose of putting together Employee Health Insurance Program.
3.R. Status of TEA rating and appeal.
3.S. Board Agendas: Proposed changes for certain agenda items not requiring Board approval.
4. Other Business
5. Adjournment