June 26, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order for June 26, 2006
1.A. Roll Call
2. Time for Citizens [In the event that a quorum of the Board is not present to open the meeting, the Monday session shall thereby be cancelled and Time for Citizens shall be moved to Tuesday, June 27, 2006, immediately following Section IV on the Agenda.]
3. Motion to go into Closed Session
If the Board votes to go into closed session, then such closed session shall be held pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, the expected specific sections of which are listed hereinbelow; however, the Board may also go into closed session on the basis of any other reason authorized by law, whether or not specified in this Section of the Agenda. The following subjects are expected to be discussed and deliberated in closed session.
3.A. [Section 551.071, Government Code, for Consultation with Attorney] For a private consultation with the Board’s attorney regarding pending litigation, settlement offers, and/or matters where the attorney’s duty to the Board, pursuant to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas, clearly conflicts with the provisions of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to wit:
3.A.1. Items listed on agenda for June 26 or June 27 for which the Board may require a consultation with its attorney as authorized by law.
3.A.2. Cenizo Park Elementary Bond Construction/Rosedale Park Project
3.A.3. Policy DEA (Local), changing number of working days for contract personnel.
3.A.4. Family Service Association Lease
3.A.5. ACCD Lease for Workforce Campus
3.A.6. Macias et al vs. EISD (Cause No. D-1-GV-06-000099)
3.A.7. EISD vs. Gregg Abbott (Cause No. 310419)
3.B. [Section 551.072 Real Property Deliberation]:
3.B.1. Cenizo Park Elementary/Rosedale Park Transaction
4. Call Meeting to Order for June 27, 2006, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
4.A. Roll Call
4.B. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance
5. Discussion/Action on matters taken up in Closed Session and/or matters listed on Section III not considered or discussed in Closed Session that require action, decision, determination or vote; and matters listed under Section III and taken into Closed Session under Section III or Section IV.
6. Bond Construction Projects Update - Project Management
6.A. Bond Projects Financial Update and Change Order Log
7. Administrative/Product Reports
7.A. Budget/Finance/Campus and Pupil Services
7.A.1. Tax Report (May 2006)
8. Consent Agenda Items
8.A. Minutes: Special...May 16, 2006;Canvass...May 22, 2006; Regular...May 22-23, 2006; Special...June 1, 2006;Special...June 15, 2006.
8.B. Approval of the Budget Amendments for June 2006.
8.C. Approval of the Law Firm of Escamilla & Poneck, Inc. for Professional Services Rendered.
8.D. Approval to accept the following donations:
$10,000 from George W. Brackenridge Foundation for the Kennedy High School Library; $980.81 from O'Neal Studios for Cenizo Park Elementary.
9. Individual Items for Consideration and Approval
9.A. Approval of the Kennedy and Memorial High Schools Dance Teams to attend a Dance Camp at the Omni Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, July 27th-29th, 2006 funded locally and by the student activity account.
9.B. Approval to submit payment to Regional Day School for Deaf in the amount of $89,796.90 using IDEA-B funds and Special Education.
9.C. Approval to purchase Pre-Kinder/Kinder instructional materials from High/Scope Educational Research Foundation in the amount of $30,612.40 utilizing Idea-B funds.
9.D. Approval to purchase of Data Management System from J7 Technology, Inc. in the amount of $31,658.25 (year 1) utilizing IDEA-B funds.
9.E. Approval for Edgewood ISD to continue participation in the Parent/Child Incorporated (PCI) Memorandum of Understanding with the Special Education Department from February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2007. (Head Start Program)
9.F. Approval to purchase Special Education Transition System from Lab Resources, Inc. in the amount of $30,500. utilizing IDEA-B funds.
9.G. Approval to purchase 19 desktop computers 30 laptops and 6 printers from HTS in the amount of $77,322 from IDEA-B funds.
9.H. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between Edgewood ISD and the Bexar County Sheriff's Office Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program.
9.I. Approval of the service delivery agreement with Communities in Schools for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 for a total of $150,000 using Homeless Education and local funds.
9.J. Approval to submit the Consolidated Application for Federal Funding (SAS#NCLBAA07) for 2006-2007 school year.
9.K. Approval to purchase furniture for the Curriculum and Instruction Department moving to Hoelscher Staff Development Center for the amount of $11,880.35 using Title I funds.
9.L. Approval to purchase 1,200 Good to Great books from Barnes and Nobles for a total of $23,760 using State Compensatory funds.
9.M. Approval to purchase spelling for writers kits for grades first through fourth grade in the amount of $28,352.50 using Title I funds.
9.N. Approval to purchase reading assessment kits for third grade and reading progress monitoring kits for grades Kindergarten through third grade in the amount of $16,411.73.
9.O. Approval to purchase an annual subscription to Wireless Generation for Reading Assessments in the amount of $49,504.50 using Coordinated funding.
9.P. Approval of new hires/promotions/resignations/retirement/ transfers/re-assignments for professional contract personnel that required Board action.
9.Q. Approval of Education Service Center - Region 20 Participation Commitments for 2006-2007 school year.
9.R. Approval to purchase subscription to Aesop Substitute Calling System from Frontline Placement Technologies, Inc. at a cost of $15,082.50
9.S. Approval of payment to Kavoussi & Associates in the amount of $29,707 for an appeal of the State Comptroller's findings of the District taxable property value which resulted in additional State Aid.
9.T. Approval to selected Investment Brokers and Investment Pools for the 2006-2007 school year.
9.U. Approval of Resolution authorizing required investment training for district investment officers as required by Public Funds Investment Act Chapter 2256, SEC. 2256.007 for 2006-2007 fiscal year.
9.V. Approval of Quarterly Investment Report (March 1, 2006 - May 31, 2006)
9.W. Annual Review of CDA (Local) Investment Policy and Strategies.
9.X. Blanket approval to periodically dispose of surplus or scrap property for the 2006-2007 school year, in accordance with Board Policy CI (Local).
9.Y. Approval of proposed adoption of policy FFA (Local) Student Welfare: Wellness and Health Services, presented for second reading.
9.Z. Approval of a consultant contract for Dr. Bette Austin to provide professional services for the project management of the Texas High School Redesign and Restructuring Grant for Kennedy High School for a total of $60,000, funded by the Texas High School Redesign and Restructuring Grant.
9.AA. Approval of the Board Delegate and Alternate to the TASB 2006 Delegate Assembly, October 6-8, 2006, in Houston, Texas.
9.AB. Approval of expenditure in the amount of $80,968.75 for the third year of the three-year contract with Edusoft.
9.AC. Approval to purchase 1,100 books titled Classroom Instruction that Works from Barnes & Noble for a district-wide book study at a total of $20,581 using Title II, Part A funds.
9.AD. Approval of proposed and interlocal agreement with Positive Beginnings, Inc. After School Program for the 2006-2007 school year at L.B. Johnson Elementary.
9.AE. Approval to pay Superintendent ten unused pay vacation days.
9.AF. Approval to submit the E-Grant consolidated No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Compliance Report for school year 2005-2006.
9.AG. Approval of a contract with Raba Kistner Consultants, Inc. to perform an environmental engineering assessment of the proposed new Cenizo Park Elementary School.
9.AH. Approval of the Edgewood Independent School District Employee Compensation Plan for the 2006-2007 school year.
9.AI. Approval of bid from Bollinger, Inc. for Student Athletic and Voluntary Student Accident Insurance for school year 2006-2007.
9.AJ. Approval to contract with the Edgewood Family Network to lease office and meeting space at the Jose Cardenas Center.
9.AK. Approval of promissory note for payment of utilities related to the lease of the Cardenas Center by the Edgewood Family Network.
10. Information
10.A. Human Resources Report
10.B. Consultant Monthly Report
10.C. Overtime Report
10.D. Financial Statements
10.E. Active Investment Report
10.F. Vandalism Report
11. New Business
12. Announcement(s)
13. Adjournment