September 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Martha Castilla, Board President
1.A. Roll Call
Martha Castilla, Board President
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance to US and Texas Flag
Students from Perales Elementary, Jorge Medrano, Principal
1.C. Moment of Silence
Lauren Blevins, Director of Marketing and Communications
2. Communication from Citizens:
Amelia M. Castillo, Board Operations Manager
3. Update of current District Events, Information, Operations, and Programs
Olga Moucoulis, Chief of Staff and Communications
4. Superintendent's Report:
Dr. Eduardo Hernandez, Superintendent of Schools
5. Presentation/Discussions:
5.A. The School Board will hear a presentation from the Police Department on Safety Updates
Jesse Quiroga, Chief of Police
6. Consent: (All items may be acted upon at the same time by the School Board)
6.A. Consideration and approval of the 2023-2024 After School Challenge Interlocal agreement with the City of San Antonio and Edgewood ISD in the amount of $195,000.00
Dr. Roberto Basurto, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services
6.B. Consideration and approval of the 2023-2024 Greater San Antonio After School All Stars Agreement in the amount of $366,427.00
Dr. Roberto Basurto, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services
6.C. Consideration and approval to add Cisneros Leadership School for Boys and Las Palmas Leadership School for Girls to the PowerSchool Group LLC contract for the Naviance System for students in grades 6-7, including Staff Professional Development, in the amount of $1,352.10, utilizing Title I Funds
Dr. Roberto Basurto, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services
6.D. Consideration and approval of the Bexar Appraisal District’s Certified Appraisal Roll and Supplemental Appraisal Roll for the Edgewood Independent School District
Myrna G. Martinez, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations
6.E. Consideration and approval of No-new-revenue tax rate and voter-approval tax rate for tax year 2023 for the Edgewood Independent School District
Myrna G. Martinez, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations
6.F. Consideration and approval of the Resolution to nominate candidates for the Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors for 2024 Term by Official Election Ballot
Myrna G. Martinez, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations
6.G. Consideration and approval to approve the August 2023 donations in the amount of $6,300
Myrna G. Martinez, Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations
6.H. Consideration and approval of the Addendum to the 2023-2024 Compensation Plan
Cynthia Trevino, Chief of Human Resources and Student Services
6.I. Consideration and approval of the second and final reading of Board Policy AE (Local) - Educational Philosophy
Olga Moucoulis, Chief of Staff and Communications
6.J. Consideration and approval of the first reading of policies as recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Policy Service for update 121 that includes changes to: CFB (Local): Accounting-Inventories, CKE (LOCAL): Safety Program/Risk Management-Security Personnel, CKEA (LOCAL): Security Personnel – Commissioned Peace Officers, CLB (LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management-Maintenance, CRF (LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management – Unemployment Insurance, CVA (LOCAL): Facilities Construction – Competitive Bidding, CVB (LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits – Leaves and Absences, FD (LOCAL): Admissions, FFI (LOCAL): Student Welfare – Freedom from Bullying
Olga Moucoulis, Chief of Staff and Communications
6.K. Consideration and approval of Board Meeting Minutes:
1. Regular Board Meeting, July 25, 2023 2. Special Called Meeting, August 8, 2023 3. Regular Board Meeting, August 22, 2023
Amelia M. Castillo, Board Operations Manager
7. Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071, 551.074, and 551.076
7.A. The Board will discuss and consider Security/Safety Updates from the Chief of Police
7.B. Discussion regarding Superintendent's Evaluation and Employment Contract
8. Open Session:
8.A. Discussion/action to approve Resolution to Declare a Good Cause Exception for House Bill 3, Armed Security Officer Requirement
8.B. Discussion/action regarding approval of Superintendent's Annual Evaluation and Modification of Employment Contract
9. Information Items:
9.A. Monthly Financial Statements
9.B. Monthly Tax Collection Report
9.C. Auxiliary and Paraprofessional Employment Board Report
9.D. Professional Employment Board Report
10. Adjournment: