November 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Martha Castilla, Board President
1.A. Issue Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Officer and Administer Oath of Office to Edgewood Independent School District Board of Trustees
Rosie San Miguel, Secretary to Assistant Superintendent of Business Operations
1.B. Roll Call
Martha Castilla, Board President
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to US and Texas Flag
Students from Stafford Visual Performing Arts, Stephanie Cruz, Principal
1.D. Moment of Silence
Martha Castilla, Board President
2. Communication from Citizens:
Amelia M. Castillo, Board Operations Manager
3. Superintendent's Report:
3.A. Update of Current District Events, Information, Operations and Programs
Dr. Eduardo Hernandez, Superintendent of Schools
4. Consent: (All items may be acted upon at the same time by the School Board)
4.A. Consideration and approval of the 2023-2024 Course Catalog
Roberto Basurto, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Services
4.B. Consideration and approval of the Edgewood ISD 2022-2023 Campus Targeted Improvement Plans
Dr. Kimberly Madkins, Assistant Superintendent of School Leadership
4.C. Consideration and approval of the out-of-state travel for students to attend a Broadway Tour of New York City, New York, March 9, 2023 through March 12, 2023
Travis McKelvain, Chief of Schools
4.D. Consideration and approval of the Quarterly Investment report for the period of July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022
Pamela Bendele, Chief Financial Officer
4.E. Consideration and approval of the Annual Financial and Compliance report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022
Pamela Bendele, Chief Financial Officer
4.F. Consideration and approval of the September 2022 and October 2022 donations of $8,500.00
Pamela Bendele, Chief Financial Officer
4.G. Consideration and approval of the list of vendors with purchases that may exceed the $50,000.00 threshold
Pamela Bendele, Chief Financial Officer
4.H. Consideration and approval of the TASB Risk Management Fund for Worker's Compensation Aggregate Deductible with an annual contribution of $83,180.00 for the 2023 calendar year
Cynthia Trevino, Chief of Human Resources and Student Services
4.I. Consideration and approval of the Head Start and Early Head Start Program Incentive Pay of up to $1,000.00 for eligible full-time employees for the 2022-2023 school year
Cynthia Trevino, Chief of Human Resources and Student Services
4.J. Consideration and approval of the first reading for the removal of Policy EF (LOCAL) - Instructional Resources, and addition of Policy EFA (LOCAL) - Instructional Resources - Instructional Materials, and EFB (LOCAL) - Instructional Resources - Library Materials
Cynthia Trevino, Chief of Human Resources and Student Services
4.K. Consideration and approval to receive $1,049,125.00 of American Rescue Plan Act-State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds through Bexar County Grant Agreement
Olga Moucoulis, Chief of Staff
4.L. Consideration and approval of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 23.002 for Geotechnical and Material Testing Services to multi-vendors
Elvis Williams, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
4.M. Consideration and approval of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 23.001 for Hazardous Abatement Services to multi-vendors
Elvis Williams, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
4.N. Consideration and approval of Board Meeting Minutes:
1. Special Called Meeting, October 4, 2022 2. Public Hearing, October 25, 2022 3. Regular Board Meeting, October 25, 2022
Amelia M. Castillo, Board Operations Manager
5. Action:
5.A. Discussion to name Math and Science Building at John F. Kennedy High School in Honor of Dr. James Vasquez pursuant to Board Policy CW (Local)
Edgewood ISD School Board
6. Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071 and 551.072
6.A. Consultation with Legal Counsel regarding legal issues in connection with the Election of Officers pursuant to Section 11.061(c) of the Texas Education Code
6.B. Consultation with Legal Counsel regarding contract between Edgewood ISD and Ridgeline Education Corp. operating Learn4Life and matters related thereto
7. Open Session:
7.A. Election of Board Officers Pursuant to Section 11.061 of the Texas Education Code
7.B. Discussion/action regarding contract between Edgewood ISD and Ridgeline Education Corp. operating Learn4Life and matters related thereto
8. Information Items:
8.A. Monthly Financial Statements
Pamela Bendele, Chief Financial Officer
8.B. Monthly Tax Collection Report
Pamela Bendele, Chief Financial Officer
8.C. Auxiliary and Paraprofessional Employment Board Report
Cynthia Trevino, Chief of Human Resources and Student Services
8.D. Professional Employment Board Report
Cynthia Trevino, Chief of Human Resources and Student Services
9. Adjournment: