June 12, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
II. Public Comment:
Welcome to this meeting of the Board of Education Independent School District #695, Chisholm School District. We are extremely pleased that you have shown an interest in school district affairs by attending this meeting. The Board of Education allows public participation at its meeting, but at the same time has the responsibility for conducting its business in an orderly fashion. We will provide the audience with an opportunity to request to speak. We request that before you speak to announce your name. Each speaker will be allowed five minutes unless the time limit is waived by a majority of the board members present. At a public meeting of the board, no person shall orally initiate charges or complaints against individual employees of the district or challenge instructional materials used in the district. All such charges, if presented to the board directly, shall be referred to the Superintendent for investigation and report. We would also like to remind the public that the school board is not allowed to comment on your concerns. If there are no questions, we will open the public comment section of the board meeting.
III. Recognition of Guests and Visitors
IV. Approve Agenda
V. Reports
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Minutes of the May 22, 2023, Regular Meeting.
Payrolls for the Month of May 2023 in the amount of $673,340.01 Accounts Payable for the Month of May 2023 in the amount of $895,840.04
VII. Action Agenda
VII.A. Motion to accept the resignation of Katrina Swalby as Drama Club Advisor and One Act Play Coach effective June 1, 2023.
VII.B. Motion to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement of Jim Kne, Elementary Teacher, effective October 1, 2023.
VII.C. Motion to adopt Resolution Approving Remote Work Arrangement for Outgoing Superintendent as presented.
VII.D. Motion to approve Mark Morrison to act as the Identified Official with Authority (IOWA) for 0695-01 to authorize, review and rectify users for the Education Identity Access Management (EDIAM) system.
VII.E. Motion to adopt the fiscal year 2024 budget as presented.
VII.F. Motion to approve the contract with Arrowhead Regional Computing Consortium for specific services from July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024.
VII.G. Motion to appoint Squires, Waldspurger & Mace, P.A. as an additional School District Legal Counsel.
VII.H. Motion to approve the property and liability insurance with Vaaler in the amount of $194,206.78 effective July 1, 2023, to June 1, 2024.
VII.I. Motion to adopt Resolution 2023-2024 Membership in the Minnesota State High School League as presented.
VII.J. Motion to approve membership to the Minnesota School Boards Association and Policy Services Renewal for the period of 7/1/23-6/30/24 and authorize the Superintendent to pay dues in the amount of $6,732.00.
VII.K. Motion to approve the Letter of Understanding between Chisholm School District and AFSCME adding Juneteenth to the list of Holidays found in Article XI of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
VII.L. Motion to approve the Letter of Understanding between Chisholm School District and AFSCME regarding the use of Compensatory time hours during the month of July as presented.
VII.M. Adopt Resolution to accept the Owens Family Charitable Foundation
Donation to support the All Scholarship Fund.
VII.N. Motion to approve the amended 2023-2024 school calendar as presented.
VII.O. Motion to approve the resolution to accept donations.
VII.P. Motion to move the July 24, 2023, Regular meeting to July 25, 2023.
VIII. Discussion
VIII.A. Administration Interviews
VIII.B. Juneteenth Holiday
IX. Information
IX.A. Enrollment numbers
X. Adjourn