May 6, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Introduction
1.1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance, Vision, and Disclosures of Interest
1.2. Meeting Agenda
2. Communications
2.1. Educational Plan
2.2. Recognitions and Upcoming Events
2.3. Public Comment
2.4. Walking Classroom
2.5. School Board Reports
2.6. Administrator Reports
3. Consent Agenda and Business Items
3.1. Consent Agenda
3.1.1. Board Minutes
3.1.2. Claims and Accounts
3.1.3. Reassignment
3.1.4. Resignation
3.1.5. Retirement
3.1.6. Termination
3.2. Sale of RWHS Outlots
3.3. School Safety Grant
3.4. RWHS Daily Schedule
3.5. Human Resources Plan
3.6. Closed Session Pursuant to M.S. 13D.03 to Discuss Labor Negotiations Strategy for the 2019-21 Contract with the Red Wing Education Support Personnel Association
4. Upcoming Meetings and Adjournment
4.1. Upcoming Meetings and Future Topics
4.2. Adjournment