July 13, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. Public Forum-Any Registered Individual(s) Wishing to Address the Board
D.1. General comments to come before the board
D.2. Agenda related comments to come before the board
E. Review 313 Tax Abaitment Agreement DRAFT with BT Solar
F. Review District Report on the Sale Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds (Presented by Dan Mahoney, STIFLE)
G. Review District Safety Audit Report
H. Review District Investment Report
I. Review Initial 2020 Reopening of School Plan
J.1. Approval of Minutes from June 08, 2020
J.2. Consider/Approve 2020-2021 Student Transfers Request
K.1. Consider/Approve Financial Report
K.2. Consider/Approve the 4th Budget Amendment for 2019-2020.
K.3. Consider/Approve Salary/Stipend Schedules and Pay Ranges for 2020-2021
Consider and Possible Action, including Adoption of a Resolution Regarding the Sale of Real Property, Regarding the possible of the Surface Only of the Real Property Described in the Hill County Appraisal District as "Property #118878, 27.597 acres" and also Described in the Special Warranty Deed as follows in description.
L. Administrative reports
M. Executive Session Texas Govt Code:551.074, 551.072, 551.071, 551.129
1. Personnel 2. Purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property 3. Private Consultation with Board Legal Counsel
3. Private Consultation with Board Legal Counsel
M.1. Ratify Professional Contracts for Employment of Personnel for 2020-2021
M.2. Consultation with legal counsel regarding status and process regarding BT Files Solar, LLC.’s Application for Limitation Appraised Value of Property (No. 1465).
M.3. Consultation with legal counsel pursuant to Texas Government Code §§551.071 and 551.129, the Board may hold a closed session to receive advice from the District’s attorney regarding legal issues related to the sale of the surface only of real property as identified on the agenda.
N. Open Session
O. Possible action on matters discussed in executive session.
P. Adjournment
Executive Session: The Board may retire to executive session any time between the meeting's opening and adjournment for purposes of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. Action, if any , will be taken in open session.