March 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approval of the agenda as submitted
3.2. Approval of minutes of the Regular Board of Education meeting on February 8, 2016
3.3. Approval of the proposed accounts for payment
3.4. Approval of budgetary receipts and expenditures for January 2016
3.5. Approval of Committee of the Whole Minutes- February 25, 2016
3.6. Approval of Option Students: To Southern- Greyson Hock- Gr. K (2016-2017); To Lewiston- Payton Bledsaw- Gr. 9, Brady Bledsaw- Gr. 5 (2016-2017) From Lewiston- Anissa Padgett- Gr. 12; From Freeman- Hunter Vrtiska- Gr. K (2016-2017), From Southern- Grace Ideus- Gr. 6 (2016-2017), Connor Hroch- Gr. 6 (2016-2017)
3.7. Approval of resignation of Dennis Dodge- High School Special Education; Leisha Pickerill- Middle School Art
4. Outstanding Recognition
4.1. Employee of the Month
Mrs. Nielsen
5. Information
5.1. Superintendent Report
Mr. Nauroth
5.2. Student Update
Dylan Burenheide
5.3. Board Reports
5.3.1. Committee of the Whole
Mr. Zimmerman
5.3.2. GNSA/Legislative Update
Mr. Maschmann
5.3.3. School Community & Staff Relations Committee
Mrs. Byars
6. Public Forum/Citizen's Requests/Comments Related to Agenda Items
7. Action/Discussion
7.1. Approval of Policy 3537 Annual Emergency Safety Plan
Mr. Nauroth
7.2. Approval of Policy 5220 Graduation Requirements
Mr. Nauroth
7.2.1. AR 5220 Graduation Requirements
7.3. Approval of Policy 5416 School Wellness Policy
Mr. Nauroth
7.3.1. AR 5416 School Wellness Policy
7.4. Approval of Policy 6700 Section 504
Mr. Nauroth
7.4.1. AR 6700 Section 504
8. Administrators' Report
Mrs. Nielsen
9. Notification of Next Meeting
10. Adjournment