October 18, 2021 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
I.A. Establish Quorum
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Public Comment
III. Consent Agenda (One motion for all items unless specified by Board Member)
III.A. Consider Approval of the Minutes from the September 20, 2021 Regular Meeting
III.B. Consider Approval of Grants and Donations
III.C. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Statements
III.D. Consider Approval of Tax Collection Report
III.E. Consider Approval of Utility Bill Report
IV. Discussion/Action Items
IV.A. Presentation over Middle School Campus Feasibility Study and Conceptual Site Design - Huckabee Architect Firm
IV.B. Consider Approval of 2021-2022 District and Campus Improvement Plans
IV.C. Consider Approval of a Retention Stipend for District Employees
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Future Board Meeting Dates: November 15, December 13, January 18, February 22, March 28, April 25, May 16
V.B. Delinquent Tax Collection Report - Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott LLP
VI. Adjourn