January 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Roll Call/Welcome, Recognition of Guest(s), & Public Comments
IV. Audience with individuals or committees making a report or request
IV.A. Michael Strain, Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. and/or Neil Easter, Lee Lewis Inc. on 2010 bond projects update
IV.B. Superintendent's Report
V. Business Items
V.A. Consent Agenda (Items to be considered routine in nature and are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the Board wishes to discuss an item, it is removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately)
V.A.I. Minutes of Previous Board Meeting(s)
V.A.II. Monthly Bills
V.A.III. Investment Report, Bank Balances, Budget, Tax Collection & Revenue
V.A.IV. FFA (Local) Policy Update
V.B. Plaque Placement
V.C. East Parking Lot Surface
V.D. Superintendent Search
V.E. Personnnel
VI. Matters to be Presented by Board Members for Inclusion on the Next Board Agenda
VII. Adjournment