October 13, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and verification that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Prayer.
4. Recognitions. [District Goals #1 and 4]
4.A. Retirement Celebration for Kevin Maler, West ISD Transportation Coordinator.
5. Audience.
6. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the Consent Agenda. Note: These action items are considered to be routine by the School Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussions on items unless a School Board Member so requests, at which time the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda. [District Goals #1-5].
6.A. Minutes of the September 8, 2021, Regular Meeting Board Minutes.
6.B. Finance & Operations.
6.B.I. Budget vs. Actual.
6.B.II. Check Register.
6.B.III. Budget Amendments.
6.B.IV. Donations.
6.B.V. Student Transfer Requests.
6.B.VI. Student Enrollment Report.
6.C. Administrative and Campus Reports.
7. Report. Annual dissemination of the Framework for School Board Development. [District Goal #1]
8. Report. Announcement of Continuing Education Hours for the West ISD Board of Trustees. [District Goal #1]
9. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to nominate one (1) candidate for each of the five (5) open positions for the 2022-2023 Board of Directors of the McLennan County Appraisal District. [District Goal #4]
10. Report. 2021-2022 West ISD COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Plan Updates. [District Goals #1-5]
11. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the updates to the 2021-2022 West ISD COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Plan. [District Goals #1-5]
12. Report. New West Elementary School Construction Report. [District Goals #1-5]
13. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the list of new 2021-2023 West ISD Members of the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC). [District Goals #1-5]
14. Public Hearing. Proposed Amendment to the West ISD 2021-2026 District of Innovation (DOI) Renewal Plan. Note: This Amendment centers on West ISD's desire to expand the "Positions for Consideration" under the "Required Certification [TEC §21.003, §21.0031, and §21.051]" header to include the Fine Arts. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
15. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the Amendment to the West ISD 2021-2026 District of Innovation (DOI) Renewal Plan. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
16. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the update to the West ISD Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual, Policy 6.13, Department Chaplain. [District Goals #4 and 5]
17. Action. Consider and possible action by the Board to Approve the Resolution of the West Independent School District, Approving the Terms and Conditions of the Advance Funding Agreement for the FM 2114 - Widening New West Elementary School Project by and between the West Independent School District and the State of Texas, Acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation. [District Goals #2 and 5]
18. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to use the Competitive Sealed Proposal Purchasing Method for the procurement of Flat Panel Screens for the new West Elementary School. [District Goals #1, 3, and 5]
19. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the West ISD Information Security Policy. [District Goals #1, 2, and 5]
20. Executive Session. Adjourn to Executive Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071 (Consulting privately with the Board’s attorney), §551.072 (Deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property), §551.074 (Personnel, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically to discuss), §551.0821 (Personally identifiable information about a public school student), and §551.129 (Consulting privately with the Board’s attorney telephonically).
20.A. Special Education Due Process Hearing Update.
20.B. Personnel Investigation at West Middle/High School.
20.C. Personnel Report.
20.D. Recent Region 12 Payroll Service Challenges.
20.E. Extracurricular Activities Fan Behavior.
20.F. Possible District Land Purchases/Sales.
21. Reconvene from Closed/Executive Session for possible action relative to items considered during Closed/Executive Session.
21.A. Action. Consideration and possible action by the Board to approve the Personnel Report. [District Goal #5]
22. Report. Closing Remarks. [District Goals #1-5]
22.A. District Calendar Reminders. [District Goal #4]
22.B. Team of Eight Training and Tour of the New West Elementary School, Monday, October 18, 2021, at 5:30 PM. [District Goals #1-5]
22.C. 2022-2023 West ISD Scholastic Calendar News. [District Goals 1-5]
22.D. West Middle/High School Enclosed Batting Cages Construction Project: Earthwork, Utilities/Electrical, Concrete, Doors/Frames, and Metal Fabrications/Pre-Engineered Metal Building. [District Goals #2-5]
23. Adjournment.
If, during the course of the meeting, any discussion of any items on the agenda should be held in Executive or Closed Session, the Board will convene in such Executive or Closed Session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code §551.001 et seq. District Goal Headers: Goal #1: Educational Excellence Goal #2: Safe and Secure Schools Goal #3: Recruit and Retain Committed Educators Goal #4: Community and Parent Involvement Goal #5: Efficient and Effective Operations |