October 22, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
IV. Moment of Silence
V. Public Comment
VI. School Board Ethics
VII. Consent Agenda Items (Goals 1,2)
VII.a. Previous School Board Minutes
VII.b. T-Tess Appraisal 2019-2020 Calendar
VII.c. Tax Collections Report
VII.d. Check Payments
VII.e. Financial Report
VII.f. Investments Quarterly Reports
VIII. Action Items (Goals 1,2 )
VIII.a. Budget Amendments
VIII.b. Tax Collections Agreement - New Agreement
VIII.c. Investments Annual Portfolio
VIII.d. Resolution: Investments Policy
VIII.e. Resolution: Investments Designations
VIII.f. Award Competitive Sealed Proposal for Elementary Building Roof
VIII.g. Award Competitive Sealed Proposal for High School Building Window Replacement
VIII.h. Purchase of Welding Shop Fans for Ventilation
VIII.i. Purchase of Cooling Gym Fans
IX. Progress Measures (Goal 2 )
IX.a. PreK Program
IX.b. Elementary Science Program and Lab
IX.c. Elementary Math Interim Assessment
IX.d. Secondary Math Program
IX.e. Dual Credit
X. NCCR Program Accreditation (Goal 1)
XI. Schedule Future Meeting(s)
XII. Adjourn Meeting