June 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the America Flag
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
IV. Moment of Silence
V. Public Comment
VI. School Board Ethics
VII. Action Items ( Goal 1,2,3)
VII.a. Previous Board Meeting Minutes
VII.b. Marathon Foundation Grant - Elementary Playground
VII.c. TASB Policy Review
VII.d. TASB Policy 113 Update
VII.e. Replace High School Windows
VII.f. District Roof Repairs
VII.g. District ADA Transition Plan
VII.h. Monthly Tax Collections Report
VII.i. Check Payments Report
VII.j. Financial Report as of May 2019
VII.k. Budget Amendments
VII.l. Truth and Taxation: Authorize Representative to Calculate 2019 Effective and Rollback Tax Rates
VII.m. Certification of Anticipated 2019 Tax Collections Rate
VII.n. Allotment and TEKS Certification Form
VIII. Property Values/Funding Lag Concept -School First Indicator 20 Compliance
IX. Progress Measures (Goal 1)
IX.a. Math STAAR/EOC District Scores
IX.b. Reading STAAR/EOC District Scores
IX.c. Science STAAR/EOC District Scores
IX.d. Social Studies STAAR/EOC District Scores
IX.e. Writing STAAR/EOC District Scores
IX.f. Overall District Subject Area Scores
IX.f.1. 2019 ECHS CCRSM Campus Assessment Feedback Report
X. Facilities
X.a. Current Facilities Project(s) Update
XI. Closed Session (Goal 1)
In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act (Subchapter D ad F of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code), the board will now enter into a closed meeting to deliberate subjects listed on this agenda authorized by Subchapter D. Any final action, decision, or vote on a subject deliberated in the closed meeting will be taken inn an open meeting held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. |
XI.a. Discuss Superintendent's Social Studies Teacher Recommendation
XI.b. Discuss Principal's Resignation
XI.c. Discuss Superintendent's Contract
XII. Open Session (Goal 1)
XII.a. Take appropriate action regarding Superintendent's Social Studies Contract Recommendation
XII.b. Take appropriate action on Principal's Resignation
XII.c. Take Appropriate Action on Superintendent's Contract
XIII. Schedule Future Meeting(s)
XIV. Adjourn Meeting