August 27, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
IV. Moment of Silence
V. Public Comments/Audience Participation
VI. Public Hearing: 2018-2019 Budget
VII. Adoption of 2018-2019 Budget
VIII. Discuss Adopted Budget and Proposed 2018 Tax Rate
IX. Adopt 2018 Tax Rate
X. Minutes of Previous Board Meeting
XI. Student Progress Measures
XI.a. Student Enrollment
XI.b. 2017-2018 STAAR/EOC Accountability
XI.c. 2018-2019 Early College High School Designation
XI.d. 2017-2018 Early College High School Outcome-Based Measures
XI.e. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve 2018-2019 P-Tess and T-Tess Evaluators
XII. Financial Reports
XII.a. Monthly Tax Collections Report
XII.b. Check Payments Report
XII.c. Comparison of Revenues, Expenditures & Encumbrances to Budget
XIII. Monthly Bank Reconciliation
XIV. Discuss and take appropriate action on 2018-2019 Salary Increases
XV. Budget Amendments
XVI. Discuss Brewster County Appraisal District Meeting - Protested Values and Possible Litigation
XVII. Policy
XVII.a. Discuss and take appropriate action to adopt TASB Policy Update 111
XVII.b. Discuss and take appropriate action to update Wellness Policy
XVIII. Facilities
XVIII.a. Discuss and take appropriate action on Summer Construction Project with General Contractor
XIX. Scheduled Future Meeting (s)
XIX.a. Schedule Date for Superintendent Evaluation
XX. Adjourn Meeting