January 24, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
IV. Moment of Silence
V. Review Code of Ethics for School Board Members
VI. Public Comments/Audience Participation
VII. Mustang Highlights
VIII. School Board Officers
VIII.a. Oath of Office for newly appointed Board Member
IX. Minutes of Previous Meeting
X. Donation - Russell Wayne Johnson
XI. Financial Report for Board Information
XI.a. Monthly Tax Collections Report
XI.b. Check Payments Report
XI.c. Comparison of Revenues, Expenditures & Encumbrances to Budget
XI.d. Cash Position by Bank Account
XI.e. Bank Reconciliations
XI.f. Investments Quarterly Report
XII. Budget Amendments for Board Approval
XIII. AEP Texas Score/City Smart Energy Efficiency Program
XIV. MISD State & Federal Grant Manual
XV. Student Progress Measures
XV.a. Science Benchmark Results
XV.b. Social Studies Benchmark Results
XV.c. CTE Student and Program Report
XV.d. Early College Blueprint and Self Assessment
XV.e. Math Intervention
XVI. Campus/District Improvement Plan
XVI.a. Discuss and take appropriate action on 2017-2018 Campus/District Improvement Plan
XVII. Facilites
XVII.a. Update on Mustang Corral Project
XVII.b. Discuss and take appropriate action on continued services with JSA Architects
XVII.c. Discuss and take appropriate action on the Asbestos Management Plan Owner Consultant Agreement
XVIII. Superintendent Report
XVIII.a. TASB Safety Staff Training
XVIII.b. Social Studies Wax Museum Project
XVIII.c. Read One Book Program
XVIII.d. Google Classroom Training
XIX. Sec.551.074. Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting
XX. Sec. 551.102. Requirements to Vote or Take Final Action in Open Meeting. A final action, decision, or vote on a matter deliberated in a closed meeting under the chapter may only be made in an open meeting that is held in compliance with the notice provisions of this chapter.
XXI. Schedule Future Meeting(s)
XXII. Adjourn Meeting