August 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
It has been found and determined that in accordance with the policies and orders of the Board, the notice of this meeting was posted publicly at the Administration Building in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.001 et. seq., and that all of the terms of said article have been fully complied with and that the 72-hour notice required has been properly and correctly given.
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Open Forum (Public Comment Section)
At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a regular meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item on the agenda for an open meeting must register with the Board secretary by email at no later than 10:00 a.m. the day of the Board meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item not on the Agenda can register with the Board Secretary at any time prior to the Board meeting. Speakers will not be permitted to criticize HFISD employees, whether addressing the Board on an Agenda item or a subject not on the posted Agenda.
5. Superintendent's Announcements
5.A. 88th Legislative Update Requirement 09/27/2023 5:30-7:30 at ESC 5
6. Board Announcements
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Matters Related to the Bond Projects
As a result of the ongoing bond projects, the board will continue to receive monthly updates and information throughout the life of the projects to their completion.
8. Discussion and Presentation of STARR 3-8 Scores
STAAR test were given to all students in the state of Texas during the spring of 2023.
Hamshire-Fannett STAAR scores for grades 3-8 with comparisons to the region and state will be presented to the board. EOC scores were presented to board in June
9. Discussion and Possible Adoption of the 2023-2024 Budget
As is required by law, a revenue and expenditure budget must be approved by the Board prior to August 31 each year. This proposed budget is the result of extended research and revision by the Board and Administration, and is reflective of the best efforts possible to accommodate the needs of our district and the interests of our patrons.
Notification of a public hearing on the budget was published as required and the public hearing was held at 08:45 pm on August 28, 2023. The 2023-2024 budget will be presented to the Board at this time for final approval and adoption. |
10. Discussion and Possible Adoption of the 2023 Tax Rate Ordinance
A public hearing was held at 5:45 pm on August 28, 2023 for the discussion of the 2023-2043 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate.
The 2023-2024 Budget was accepted and approved in a previous agenda item. The Board of Trustees must adopt a tax rate after publication of the required Notice of Public Hearing to discuss the 2023-2024 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate. The Notice of Public Hearing for Hamshire-Fannett ISD proposed:
11. Acceptance of August 31, 2023 Designated Fund Balance Resolution
The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) released Statement 54 - "fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions" on March 11, 2009. The new statement is intended to improve the usefulness of the amount reported in fund balance by providing more structured classification.
The attached resolution will meet these continued requirements for fund balance reporting. Fund Balance is designated for an Insurance Deductible in the event of a catastrophic occurrence, any major capital construction item, and 100% of Interest and Sinking fund balance for repayment of bonded debt. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move that the Board approve the resolution committing fund balances in accordance with GASB 54 requirements"
12. Possible Nominations for Jefferson County Appraisal District Board of Directors
The terms of the current Board members expire on December 31, 2021. If Hamshire Fannett ISD would like to submit nominations for the Board of Directors, the board must do so by the attached resolution.
13. Business Items (Consent Agenda)
The Board of Trustees have been supplied with detailed background information regarding each item of business on the "Consent Agenda" if one is so indicated or it has been discussed at a previous meeting of the Board. All items will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately. If requested by a Board member, individual items may be removed from the"Consent Agenda" to be discussed and voted upon separately. All items are as recommended by the Superintendent. |
13.A. Approval of July 17, 2023 Budget Workshop, July 24, 2023 Board Minutes and August 14, 2023 Budget Workshop
In conjunction with Hamshire-Fannett ISD Board policy, it is a requirement that the minutes of the previous Board meeting(s) be approved by the Board at a subsequent Board Meeting.
A copy of the minutes is included in each Board member’s agenda packet for perusal and awaits Board action.
13.B. Approval of Expenditures/Financials
It is a customary and accepted Board procedure as a standard order of business at regular Board meetings for the Board to take action in relation to the approval of expenditures for the elapsed period since the last Board meeting.
Pertinent information relating to the financial condition of the District and the resolution of district indebtedness is provided for Board perusal and utilization.
13.C. Approval of the Final Budget Amendment for the 2022-2023 Budget
It is a requirement of TEA accounting procedures that the annual budget be amended as necessary throughout the budget year.
The Board has been provided with the necessary documents for the budget amendment for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
13.D. Discussion and Possible Approval of 4H Resolution for Consideration as an Extra-Curricular Activities Organization
4-H Members of Jefferson county request that the 4-H organization be sanctioned as an extracurricular activity. See attached resolution.
13.E. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution of the Board to Employ or Accept as Volunteers Chaplains
13.F. Approval of Salary Schedules
Preliminary Staff Salary Schedules for 2023-2024 include:
1 Teacher, Full-Time Librarian and Nurse Hiring Schedule 2 Teacher, Full-Time Librarian and Nurse Salary Range 3 Longevity Schedule for Teachers, Librarians, Counselors and Nurses 4 Administrator’s Salary Schedule (first implemented in 2012 per TASB personnel study) 5 Starting Pay Schedule for non-exempt employees 6 Athletic Stipends 6 Athletics Pay Schedule 7 Extra Duty Stipends Addition of HOSA and TAFE sponsor stipends at the High School. |
13.G. Approval of General Liability, Educators Legal Liability, Automobile, Crime and Cyber Coverage for 2023-2024 School Year
Hamshire-Fannett ISD secured General Liability, Educators Legal Liability, Automobile, Crime and Cyber Coverage for the 23-24 school year with Trident Public Risk Solutions, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America.
Cyndi White (Frost Insurance Agency) has obtained our renewal premium with Trident covering all but Cyber and Travelers covering the Cyber Liability. General Liability and Cyber coverage $36,469 (increase of $4,674 from last year) The details are attached.
13.H. Discussion and Possible Approval of Vendors Exceeding $25,000
Board Policy CH (LOCAL) requires budgeted purchases of goods or services costing $25,000 or more, regardless of whether the goods are services are competitively purchased, require Board approval before a transaction may take place.
Throughout the year, these vendors could incur purchases of more than $25,000 in the aggregate. Some vendors are for contracted services for the year that will exceed $25,000. An attached list has been provided to show vendor names, amounts and types of expenses associated with each vendor.
13.I. Approval of Designated Donation
Each month the board is provided an update of donations received. However, due to the amounts and varying purposes, the board may want to accept these gifts.
1. Longhorn Tunnel & Cart for Varsity Football Games 2. Fishing books in memory of Christian Sykes
13.J. Approval of Membership in a Purchasing Cooperative
Joining the Region 7 Purchasing Cooperative would give the district more purchasing power by making vendors available who offer better pricing on items purchased throughout the district. The fee for the district is based on enrollment. 50 cents a student plus
14. Monthly Departmental Updates: Business, Finance & Food Service, Curriculum & Instruction, Maintenance & Operation and Technology Departments
Mark Waggoner: Allison Byrd: Terry Sanders: Jon Burris : Byron Miller |
15. Closed/Executive Session
The Board May Convene into Closed (executive) session, in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, TX Govt. Code 551.001 to discuss the following Items:
Any action, decision or final vote with regard to any matter considered in such closed session, shall be made in open session. |
15.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee (Tex Govt Code 551.074(a)(1), et seq.)
The district currently has one or more vacant positons. Interviews are currently being conducted, and the Superintendent will bring recommendations for the position(s) to this Board meeting, if feasible.
Any action, decision or final vote with regard to any matter considered in such closed session, shall be made in open session. |
15.B. To deliberate deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices. Tex. Gov’t Code §551.076. |
15.C. To seek legal counsel from the district’s school attorney. Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071
15.D. To seek legal counsel from the district’s school attorney regarding the sale of real property. Tex. Gov’t Code |
16. Action Item Related to Closed Session item(s)
16.A. Discussion and/or Possible Approval of Security Personnel, Procedures, and/or Devices
The board has, over the years, considered safety measures on campuses. In addition, the board has continuously set campus safety as a board and/or superintendent’s goal. The board and administration have discussed several measures surrounding school safety that include hardening schools, training, school resource officers, and approval of Guardian and Marshall programs. |
16.B. Possible Approval of Resolution to Declare a Good Cause Exemption for House Bill 3 Armed Security Officer Requirement
16.C. Possible Acceptance of the District's Safety and Security Audit
Section 37.108(c) of the Texas Education Code requires Independent School Districts to conduct safety and security audits every three (3) years and to report the results of the audit to the board of trustees and the Texas School Safety Center. |
17. Personnel Employment
The District currently has one or more vacant positions. Interviews are currently being conducted, and the Superintendent will bring recommendations for the position(s) to this Board Meeting, if feasible. |
18. Personnel Resignations
It is possible that one or more resignations could be in the process of being submitted to the Superintendent.
If received, the Superintendent will present letters of resignation for board information. |
19. Adjournment