December 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
It has been found and determined that in accordance with the policies and orders of the Board, the notice of this meeting was posted publicly at the Administration Building in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.001 et. seq., and that all of the terms of said article have been fully complied with and that the 72-hour notice required has been properly and correctly given.
2. Invocation
3. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Open Forum (Public Comment Section)
At this time, the Board will listen to comments from the public and others regarding both agenda action items and items that are not on the agenda. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. Public participation is limited to the designated open forum portion of a regular meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item on the agenda for an open meeting must register with the Board secretary by email at no later than 10:00 a.m. the day of the Board meeting. Any person wishing to address the Board concerning an item not on the Agenda can register with the Board Secretary at any time prior to the Board meeting. Speakers will not be permitted to criticize HFISD employees, whether addressing the Board on an Agenda item or a subject not on the posted Agenda.
5. Superintendent's Announcements
5.A. Christmas Break - December 20 - January 3
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Matters Related to Bond Projects
As a result of the ongoing bond project, the board will continue to receive monthly updates and information throughout the life of the project to its completion. |
7. Discussion and Setting of FIRST Rating Public Hearing
Each year every public school district in the state of Texas must hold a public hearing regarding its financial rating. The rating is done in accordance with the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas, or FIRST. |
8. Presentation and Discussion of District Class Size Data
Class size data was requested by the board. The data provided excludes P.E., athletics, and other multi-classroom activities.
9. Discussion and Possible Adoption of Policies EHB and EHBAA (Local)
The district was contacted by TEA in regard to a policy review as part of cyclical monitoring in Special Education this school year. TASB has sent out updates to meet the requirements identified in the policy review which includes Early Childhood transition and Dyslexia Teacher training opportunities. These policies fall in line with our current practices.
10. Business Items (Consent Agenda)
The Board of Trustees have been supplied detailed background information regarding each item of business on the "Consent Agenda" if one is so indicated or it has been discussed at a previous meeting of the Board. All items will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately. If requested by a Board member, individual items may be removed from the"Consent Agenda" to be discussed and voted upon separately. All items are as recommended by the Superintendent.
10.A. Approval of November 15, 2021, Board Minutes
In conjunction with Hamshire-Fannett ISD Board policy, it is a requirement that the minutes of the previous Board meeting(s) be approved by the Board at a subsequent Board Meeting.
A copy of the minutes is included in each Board member’s agenda packet for perusal and awaits Board action.
10.B. Approval of Expenditures/Financials
It is a customary and accepted Board procedure as a standard order of business at regular Board meetings for the Board to take action in relation to the approval of expenditures for the elapsed period since the last Board meeting.
Pertinent information relating to the financial condition of the District and the resolution of district indebtedness is provided for Board perusal and utilization.
10.C. Approval of Budget Amendment #2
It is a requirement of TEA accounting procedures that the annual budget be amended as necessary throughout the budget year.
The Board has been provided with the necessary documents for the budget amendment for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Board approved the CTE Hallway HVAC System Repair at the 11-15-21 board meeting.
10.D. Discussion of Possible Impact of Open Enrollment Charter School Application
The Texas Education Code §12.1101 requires charter requestees to submit to each school district’s President of the Board its application for charter. The Board President and Board determines the charter’s impact and responds appropriately to the Texas Education Agency it's findings by way of the application process.
The board will receive information regarding the process it established for selection and hear the committee’s recommendation for hire.
10.E. Discussion and Possible Approval of Engineering Engagement Services for Fannett Schools Drainage Project
After Hurricane Harvey, the district engaged in a few mitigation projects. Drainage improvement at the Middle and Intermediate Schools is one of those improvements. If mitigation projects are approved by FEMA, the district must pay for the project and seek reimbursement by FEMA.
11. Monthly Updates: Business, Finance & Food Service, Curriculum & Instruction, Maintenance & Operation and Technology Departments
Mark Waggoner: Allison Byrd: Terry Sanders: Jon Burris : |
12. The Board May Convene into Closed (executive) session, TX Govt. Code 551.001 to discuss the following Items:
12.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public of officer or employee (Tex Govt Code 551.074, et seq.)
The district currently has one or more vacant positons. Interviews are currently being conducted, and the Superintendent will bring recommendations for the position(s) to this Board meeting, if feasible.
Any action, decision or final vote with regard to any matter considered in such closed session, shall be made in open session. |
12.B. To deliberate deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices. Tex. Gov't Code §551.076.
13. Action(s) Relative to items considered in Closed Session.
14. Personnel Employment
The District currently has one or more vacant positions.
Interviews are currently being conducted, and the Superintendent will bring recommendations for the position(s) to this Board meeting, if feasible. |
15. Personnel Resignations
It is possible that one or more resignations could be in the process of being submitted to the Superintendent.
If received, the Superintendent will present letters of resignation for board information. |
16. Board Announcements
17. Adjournment