November 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Recognize Student and Staff Achievements
2. Recognize Visitors
3. Approve October 16, 2017, October 26, 2017, October 27, 2017 and November 6, 2017 Board Minutes
4. Superintendent Communications
4.A. Enrollment
4.B. College Day Recap
4.C. Holiday Schedule
4.D. Upcoming Events
5. Board President Communications
5.A. Appoint Audit Committee
6. Human Resources Effectiveness Report
7. Review District and Campus Performance Objectives
8. Approve Monthly Financials
9. Review District Investment Policy and Strategies and Approve Resolution on Investment Policy
10. Approve Competitive Sealed Proposal for Roof Repair and Maintenance
11. Approve Request for Qualifications for Roof Consulting and Engineering
12. Cast Ballot for Potter-Randall Appraisal District Board of Directors
13. Approve 4-H Extension Agent as Adjunct Teachers for Randall County
14. Accept Donations
15. Employ Personnel
16. Employ Principal for Pinnacle Intermediate
17. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property