November 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Mrs. Richardson
3. GOAL 1: Public Hearing "HIGHLY QUALIFIED STATUS" The public is offered an opportunity to discuss the Highly Qualified Status for the 2013-2014 school year. All campuses under P.L.107-110, Section 119(i)of Title 1, Part A, are 100% Highly Qualified
Dr. Porter
4. GOAL 3: Recognition
4.A. Mustang Band
Mr. Harris
4.B. Cross Country - Boys and Girls
Coach Miller
5. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
6. Reports and Presentations
6.A. Food Service Report
Ross Schonhoeft
6.B. Superintendent's Report
6.B.1. GOAL 2,5: Strategic Planning Dates (Facilities and Technology)
6.B.2. GOAL 3: Todd Hunter TASK Force for School Insurance
6.B.3. GOAL 4: TASB Superintendent Evaluation Effectiveness
6.B.4. GOAL 2: Kuno Update
6.C. GOAL 1-5: Review Campus Improvement Plans
6.D. GOAL1: Presentation of Graphs of Enrollment, Attendance %, Average Grades, and Benchmark Averages
Dr. Lynne Porter
6.E. Presentation of current tax collections summary for October 2013
Mr. Mircovich
6.F. Check Register for October 2013
Mr. Mircovich
7. Consent Agenda Items
7.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 14, 2013
7.B. Investment report
7.C. Consider Approval of Financial Reports for October 2013
8. Action Items
8.A. Resolution # 230-11-13, Endorsement for San Patricio County Appraisal District's Board of Directors
8.B. Adopt Policy Update 98, affecting local policies: FFE(Local): Board Members - Authority
DBA(Local): Employment Requirements and Restrictions- Credentials and Records DFFA(Local): Reduction in Force- Financial Exigency DFFB(Local) Reduction in Force- Program Change DGBA(Local): Personnel-Management Relations- Employee Complaints/Grievances DH(Local): Employee Standards of Conduct.
Mr. Mircovich
8.C. GOAL 5: Consider awarding mowing contract to Halley's Lawn Care
Mr. Freudenrich
8.D. GOAL 5: Consider quotes for lights to be replaced at the Baseball and Softball Fields
Mr. Mircovich
9. Closed Session
10. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
10.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.074 to Discuss and deliberate the resignation of David Hunter
10.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.074 to Discuss and deliberate offering employment contracts to Tommy Coulter and Deborah Jones for the 2013-2014 school year.
11. Adjourn