March 10, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
Mr. Loeffler
3. Recognition
3.A. High School Girls Basketball Team.
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
5. Reports and Presentations
5.A. Presentation of Project Status Report of Administration Building, Multi-Purpose Building, and Athletic Parking Lot.
5.B. Leon Taylor Jr. High Goal Report
Mr. Gonzalez
5.C. Drug Reports for school year.
5.D. Presentation of current tax collections for February 2008.
5.E. Check Register for February 2008.
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 11, 2008.
6.B. Investment report for February 2008.
6.C. Consider Approval of Financial Report for February 2008.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider changing designated fund balance.
Mr. Simmons
7.B. Consider tax renewal contract with Heard & Smith, L.L.P. for the years 2008-2010.
Mr. Simmons
7.C. Consider Update #82 - First Reading
Mr. Mircovich
7.D. Consider Approval of Overnight Trips for State Powerlifting for Girls March 14-15 in Killeen, Boys in Abilene March 28-30, and Texas Relays in Austin April 4-5.
Coach Hesseltine
7.E. Consider Approval of Tax Refunds for Milton Rodriguez for $521.65 for 2006 , $439.07 for 2007, and Ludivia Hernandez for $516.26 for 2007.
Mr. Simmons
7.F. Consider adoption of textbooks for 08-09 school year.
Dr. Porter
7.G. Consider approval of 08-09 school calendar as presented by administration.
Mr. Mircovich
8. Closed Session
8.A. Personnel -Consider renewal or possible non-renewal of term teachers, probationary teachers, dual-assignment contracts, term and probationary, and accept resignations received.
Mr. Mircovich
8.A.1. Resignations Received to date.
8.B. Discussion and Consultation with the District's Attorney Regarding Legal Issues Concerning Parent Grievance.
8.C. Level 3 Grievance concerning complaint against an employee of the district concerning the boys basketball program.
9. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
9.A. Professional Contracts- recommended term, probationary, and dual-assignments contracts as presented. Approve non-renewals of probationary and term contracts as recommended by administration.
9.B. Resignations- approve resignations received to date.
Barbara Russell, Eugene Chernosky, Darla Holmberg-Abel, Rick Hinojosa, Chris Norris, Stacie Morgan, Jamie Doege, Harmony Holt
9.C. Level 3 Grievance
10. Adjourn