February 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
Mr. Loeffler
3. Recognition
3.A. Sixth Grade UIL Participants.
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
5. Reports and Presentations
5.A. Presentation of Project Status Report of Ingleside Administration Building, Multi-Purpose Building, and Athletic Parking Lot.
5.B. Presentation of Blaschke-Sheldon Elementary Goal Report.
Mrs. McNew
5.C. Presentation of High School Campus Goal Report.
Mr. Snyder
5.D. Presentation of Campus Reports for the 3rd sixth weeks.
Dr. Porter
5.E. Presentation of School Report Card for each campus.
Dr. Porter
5.F. Presentation of current tax collections for January 2008.
Mr. Simmons
5.G. Check Register for January 2008.
Mr. Simmons
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 14, 2008.
6.B. Investment report for January 2008.
6.C. Consider Approval of Financial Report for January 2008.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consideration of replacing current property insurance, including windstorm, with coverage through the Texas Regional Pool Alliance. Pam Jamison with GSM Insurors will explain the pool.
Mr. Simmons
7.B. Consider approval of Tax Refunds for Gene or Peggy Dekoster for $682.67, Shavar Hillery for $531.68 for 2007 and Shavar Hillery for $642.62 for 2006.
Mr. Simmons
7.C. Consider approval of overnight trip to San Antonio for varsity cheerleader squad competition on March 7-8, 2008.
Mr. Snyder
7.D. Consider overnight trip for band to Spring in the Park Music Festival in Arlington, Texas May 9-10, 2008.
Mr. Snyder
7.E. Consider adding courses to the 08-09 curriculum at the high school - GIS I, GIS II, and Teen Leadership.
Mr. Snyder
8. Closed Session
8.A. Personnel
8.A.1. Resignations Received
8.A.2. Contract for Employment for JH Math Position
8.A.3. Administrator Contracts- Possible Extension or Non-Extension of Contracts
9. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
9.A. Consider Acceptance of Resignations received from Tommy Coulter and Sandra Holder.
9.B. Consider Offering Contract for Employment for JH Math position to Courtney Hogan.
9.C. Administrator Contracts
Mr. Mircovich
10. Adjourn