May 14, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll Call, establishment of quorum, and call to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Keith Hill
3. Recognition
3.A. Texas Computer Educators Association Technology Contest winners - Grades 6-8
Mr. Bonorden
3.B. UIL Participants
3.B.1. Softball, Track, Tennis, Baseball, Golf
and JH & HS Academic UIL participants
4. Audience Participation [Policy BED(Local)].
5. Reports and Presentations
5.A. Presentation of Project Status Report of Ingleside ISD Construction Projects
5.B. Presentation of Graphs for Enrollment and Attendance % for the Fifth Six Weeks.
Dr. Porter
5.C. Presentation of ROAD Grant by Patricia Durham
Dr. Porter
5.D. Presentation of CREST grant - Critical Reading Strategies
Dr. Porter
5.E. Presentation of Summer Leadership Conference in San Antonio - June14-16.
Mr. Mircovich
5.F. Presentation of current tax collections for April 2007
5.G. Review of Milk and Dairy Bids originally approved bid with extension.
Mr. Simmons
5.H. Check Register for April 2007
5.I. TASB Board Briefs
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Consider approval of Minutes of the Special and Regular Meetings of April 9, 2007.
6.B. Investment report for April 2007.
6.C. Consider Approval of Financial Report for April 2007.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider Approval of Budget Amendments presented by Business Office.
Mr. Simmons
7.B. Consider Approval of Tobacco Grant.
Dr. Porter
7.C. Consider Student Handbooks for the 07-08 school year.
7.D. Consider Athletic Policy for 07-08 school year.
7.E. Cheerleader Constitution for 07-08 school year.
7.F. Consider Approval of Tax Refund for Cynthia Broussard for $1,387.00.
Mr. Simmons
7.G. Consider Awarding of Bank Depository Contract.
Mr. Simmons
8. Closed Session
8.A. Personnel - Offer contracts for employment to Jamie Doege, Naomi Nobbie, Cara Lynn Cable, Juan O'Canas, Jodie Brekke, Roxanna Reyes ,other positions open, and Accept Resignations received to date
8.B. Real Property
9. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May be Taken.
9.A. Accept Resignations received from Shirley Jahnke, Connie Mircovich, Isabel Olivarez, Rene Puente, Lezli Thompson.
9.B. Contracts - Offer Contract for 07-08 to Jamie Schubert-Doege, Naomi Nobbie, Cara Lynn Cable, Juan O'Canas, Jodie Brekke, Roxanna Reyes, and other open positions.
10. Adjourn