September 1, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Public Hearing to Discuss 2010-2011 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
2. Call Meeting to order, roll call, establishment of quorum, Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Comments from the public. Citizen communications:(Open Forum-limit of 5 minutes per speaker)
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. Construction Report
4.B. TASA/TASB Convention - Houston (September 23-26)
4.C. Appoint Representative to serve as official voting delegate at the 2010 TASB Convention
4.D. Elementary Campus Report
4.E. Enrollment Report
4.F. JB Middle School & High School Campus Report
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Approval of Minutes of meetings:
5.A.1. Regular Board Meeting - July 27, 2010
5.A.2. Special Board Meeting - August 10, 2010
5.A.3. Finance Committee Meeting - August 10, 2010
5.B. Approval of monthly tax collections for the month of July 2010
5.C. Accounts Payable
5.D. Discussion and approval of Juvenile Justice Alternative Program Memorandum of Understanding for the 2010-2011 school year
5.E. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Monte Alto ISD District Budget for Fiscal Year Beginning September 1, 2010 and
Ending August 31, 2011 |
5.F. Approval of 2010-2011 Region One ESC Computer Services Commitment Forms
5.G. Discussion and approval to renew insurance policies with Shepard Walton King Insurance Group
5.H. Discussion and possible action to approve compensation plan for 2010-2011 school year
5.I. Approval to request bids on replacing AC control system in the elementary
5.J. Approval of contract for Election Services with Hidalgo County and Adoption of Election Order for the November 2, 2010
5.K. Approval to seek bids for pavilion
5.L. Approval for Payment of Land Purchase
5.M. Approval for payments to Edcouch-Elsa Special Education and Student Tuition
5.N. Discuss and present Monte Alto ISD Board Members required continuing education hours
5.O. Approval to pay Progreso ISD for portable buildings purchased
6. Business and Finance
6.A. Financial Report
6.B. Discussion and possible action to adopt 2010-2011 tax rate at $1.0400 and I&S tax rate at $0.3500 a total of $1.3900
6.C. Discussion and Adoption of the Resolution for the 2010 School Tax Rate
6.D. Consideration and possible approval of the Monte Alto Independent School District Final Budget Amendment for School Year Beginning September 1, 2009 and ending August 31, 2010.
6.E. Discussion and approval of Local Fund Balance Designation
7. Executive Session: Board of Trustees may go into Closed Session pursuant to Section(s) 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074, Texas Government Code, to discuss the following:
7.A. Discuss position for professional personnel, resignation, and hiring of contract and at-will personnel
8. Reconvene In Open Session
8.A. Discussion and possible action to approve resignation, and employment of professional and at-will personnel
9. Adjourn