May 24, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. This meeting will be held in-person at the GHS cafeteria. And, available via Zoom
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B. Call to Order
The regular Board Meeting will be called to order at 7:00 PM in the Goldendale Primary School Library, Goldendale WA.
C. Flag Salute
D. Introduction of Visitors-Public Comments
It is the Board's goal for a public comment period to hear persons interested in sharing views about any agenda item. Please sign in with the Board secretary to register to speak. Due to legal repercussions, persons sharing negative views may not name individual students, district employees or volunteers. Thank you for attending tonight and please turn off your cell phones.
E. Approval of Agenda
E.1. Agenda - Additions and/or Deletions
F. Consent Agenda
F.1. Minutes
F.1.a. April 26, 2021 - Regular Board Meeting
F.1.b. May 10, 2021 - Worksession
F.2. Hiring
F.2.a. Alexxa Hallberg - MS Assistant Girls Basketball (20-21 school year only)
F.2.b. Kristin Garrett-Lummio - MS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach (20-21 school year only)
F.2.c. Elizabeth Lester - MS Paraprofessional (20-21 school year)
F.2.d. Rachelle Kauffman - HS Library Tech/Paraprofessional (21-22 school year)
F.2.e. Calum Craft - MS Math Teacher (21-22 school year)
F.2.f. Alexis Ladiges - Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
F.2.g. Karin Sanchez - HS Secretary (21-22 school year)
F.2.h. Zara Kartes, Kindergarten (21-22 school year)
F.2.i. Josh Krieg - CTE Director (21-22 school year)
F.2.j. Sydney DeGeest - Sixth Grade Teacher (21-22 school year)
F.2.k. Beth Glover - Second Grade Teacher (21-22 school year)
F.3. Administrative Contracts 21-22
F.3.a. John Westerman, Goldendale High School Principal
F.3.b. Angela Hedges, Goldendale Primary School Principal
F.3.c. Kristin Lummio, Goldendale Assistant Principal/7-12 Athletic Director
F.3.d. Dean Schlenker, Business Manager
F.4. Resignation
F.4.a. Ashley Andersen - PS SPED Paraprofessional
F.4.b. Rachelle Kauffman - HS SPED Paraprofessional (End of 20-21 school year)
F.4.c. Ann Cochran - HS Athletic Director (End of 20-21 year)
F.4.d. Jennifer Tenney, Middle School Principal
F.5. Bills
G. Business Managers' Report
G.1. Financial Report - Dean Schlenker
G.2. Enrollment Report
H. Information and Discussion
H.1. Update on Graduation 2021
Mr. Westerman will update the Board on graduation planning. The board will be asked to identify a member to read scholarships and one to hand out diplomas.
I. Comments / Reports
I.1. Principal Reports
I.1.a. John Westerman - High School
I.1.b. Angie Hedges - Primary School
I.1.c. Jenny Tenney - Middle School
Angie Hedges - Primary School
I.1.d. Kendrick Lester - Special Education Director
I.2. Board Comments
I.3. WSSDA Legislative Representative Report
I.4. WIAA Representative Report
J. Report of the Superintendent
K. Action Items
K.1. Resolution 20-21-04; Academic & Student Well-Being Plan
K.2. Resolution 20-21-05 ; WIAA
K.3. Review and Consider Adoption of Grade 7 Washington History Materials
K.4. 2000 Series - Second Reading
K.5. Approval of Policy 6220
K.6. Plan of Professional Learning for 2020-21 School Year, WACA
K.6.a. Alena Martin - Geometry
K.6.b. Ben Legel - Astronomy, Spanish 1, and Spanish 2
L. Superintendent Summary
M. Next Meeting Dates
M.1. June 14, 2021 - Worksession at 6:30 pm, GHS Cafeteria & Zoom
M.2. June 28, 2021 - Regular Board Meeting at 7 pm, GHS Cafeteria & Zoom
N. Adjournment